
Film and Television Industry in the Disruptive Changes of 2020
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During early 2020,the COVID-19 virus outbreak impacted China and other countries all over the world,causing disruption to all normal operations worldwide. China has thus far effectively managed the pandemic and is gradually resuming work and production after more than two months of anti-epidemic efforts during this once-in-a-century global crisis. The selfless dedication of Chinese medical staff,various sectors of society and the concerted efforts of all Chinese people have garnered global admiration. The initial success of the fight against the pandemic has made China a model for many other countries.

This pandemic has not only created a global public health crisis,but also taken a heavy toll on the global economy. It has brought unavoidable and unprecedented severe challenges to various industries around the world,including the film and television culture industry. Due to the nature of cinema operations,the theatrical business in particular has been severely hit by the pandemic,causing heavy losses to the film industry. All segments of the film industry have been affected by this pandemic. Cinemas,studios and publicity companies are all under pressure to survive.
