
多彩文化 美轮美奂 ◇

贵州侗族大歌 Guizhou Grand Choirs of Dong

传统村落文化遗产 Cultural Heritage of Traditional Villages

苗族姊妹节 Sister’s Meal Festival of Miao

苗族芒筒芦笙 Mangtong Lusheng of Miao

苗族鼓藏节 Guzang Festival of Miao

亚鲁王 The Yalu King

傩戏 Nuo Drama

风格迥异的苗族芦笙舞 Lusheng Dance of Miao

布依族八音坐唱 Eight Tones of Buyei

安顺地戏 Tunpu Dixi Opera

海龙屯土司遗址 Dragon Tuen Chieftain Site

苗族服饰 The Clothing of Miao

水族马尾绣 The Horsetail-based Embroidery of Shui

苗绣 Embroidery of Miao

彝族撮泰吉 Cuotaiji Show of Yi

牙舟陶器炼制技艺 Yazhou Pottery Craft

侗族琵琶歌 Pipa Songs of Dong

苗族蜡染技艺 Batik Craft of Miao

皮纸制作技艺 Bark Paper Manufacturing Craft

银饰锻制技艺 Silver Jewelry Making Craft


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Guizhou boasts its picturesque landscapes,pleasant climate and various and rich tourism resources. This is a magic and charming land famous for its unique culture. Here,biodiversity fuses with culture diversity,such as green hills and clear water,historical trees and famous wood species,village heritage,traditional skills,ancient legend,etc. Those special cultural elements forming together lay the frameworks of a colorful painting,a harmonious world,a harbor of hearts where left endless homesickness.

贵州侗族大歌 Guizhou Grand Choirs of Dong

传统村落文化遗产 Cultural Heritage of Traditional Villages

苗族姊妹节 Sister’s Meal Festival of Miao

苗族芒筒芦笙 Mangtong Lusheng of Miao

苗族鼓藏节 Guzang Festival of Miao

亚鲁王 The Yalu King

傩戏 Nuo Drama

风格迥异的苗族芦笙舞 Lusheng Dance of Miao

布依族八音坐唱 Eight Tones of Buyei

安顺地戏 Tunpu Dixi Opera

海龙屯土司遗址 Dragon Tuen Chieftain Site

苗族服饰 The Clothing of Miao

水族马尾绣 The Horsetail-based Embroidery of Shui

苗绣 Embroidery of Miao

彝族撮泰吉 Cuotaiji Show of Yi

牙舟陶器炼制技艺 Yazhou Pottery Craft

侗族琵琶歌 Pipa Songs of Dong

苗族蜡染技艺 Batik Craft of Miao

皮纸制作技艺 Bark Paper Manufacturing Craft

银饰锻制技艺 Silver Jewelry Making Craft

