书 名: | 中国“入世”研究报告:进入WTO的中国产业 | ||||
英 文 名: | THE RESEARCH REPORT ON CHINA’S ENTRY INTO WTO The Analysis of the China’s Industries | ||||
作 者: | 余永定 郑秉文 主编; 宋泓 副主编 | ||||
I S B N: | 7-80149-269-2 | ||||
关 键 词: | 经济一体化 世界贸易组织 贸易协定 产业经济 中国 | ||||
出版时间: | 2000年01月 |
,AbstractEN:This report devotes to a quantitative analysis of the impact of China’s entry into the World Trade Organization(WTO)on its economy,following a dynamic “computable general equilibrium model”. In line with China’s promise made during negotiations for joining WTO,the model is used to simulate the four policies toward China’s WTO entry:tariff cuts for industrial products;gradual cancellation of non-tariff barriers in industrial departments;liberalization of agricultural trade,namely,the accelerated growth of import quotas for farm produce and the final cancellation of import quotas;and the phase-out of the Multifiber Arrangement(MFA)quotas for Chinese textiles and garments exports to developed countries. The results indicate that joining WTO will bring China great benefits in economic efficiency. However,the benefits are not shared equally among departments,and joining WTO means more adjustments in the economic structure so that the ensuing structural unemployment may be China’s chief adjustment cost for the WTO accession. China is facing the dual challenge of industrialization and economic globalization,and WTO is the concentrated expression of the challenge. But it also means enormous opportunities for the Chinese economy. China should strive to seize the opportunities rather than refuse them. It is therefore a rational policy choice to actively work for joining WTO and adopt proper policies to maximize the adjustment cost occurring therefrom.
,KeyWords:6641,7333,44162,307415,2786,EKeyWords:,SubjectWords:,LiteratureId:6306117,Fileref:null,OrderFlag:0,IsLeaf:N,PubDate:null,FindDate:null,IssueDate:null,DocType:null,ProductSeries:null,Doi:null,InstanceID:0,MinNodeSearch:Y,XmlID:b1201506010010416_000_002,Prop1:null,Prop2:null,Prop3:null,prop4:null,AddUser:admin,AddTime:2016-01-18 16:19:27.0,ModifyUser:Admin,ModifyTime:2023-09-26 20:54:15.0,HitCount:19,ShowType:putong,LogoID:0,PdfID:6306118,DownCount:4,AuthorInfos:,BookPublishDate:2000-01-01 00:00:00.0,SearchTitle:分报告一:加入世界贸易组织对中国经济的影响——动态一般均衡分析,ISBN:7-80149-269-2,BookTitle:中国“入世”研究报告:进入WTO的中国产业,BookStatus:7,AllowDownload:Y,BookVersionNum:null,researchorg:null,CopyRightDate:null,ExcellentPeriod:null,PrizeLevel:null,IsExcellence:null,ContentClass:null,IsDisabled:N,SearchTitle_2:分报告一:加入世界贸易组织对中国经济的影响——动态一般均衡分析,_RowNo:7中国农业存在着人口增加、耕地减少、需求升级“三个不可逆转”条件,微观生产决策与需求结构变化、环境资源破坏与农业发展、农村居民收入水平下降与增加土地投资提高农业生产力、农业支持需求与国家支持能力,以及粮食自给率降低与国家经济政治安全等五大方面矛盾突出。迄今为止,几乎所有发达国家都对本国农业采取财政补贴和保护措施,而中国农业政策正好相反。目前中国学者的主流观点是农村发展“四步走战略”,即家庭联产承包经营制、乡镇企业、小城镇、城乡一体化。其特点是依靠农民,发挥农民的主动性、积极性来实现全社会小康目标的食品需求,国家的作用主要是不断给农民以政策,而少给或不给更多的直接投入或支持。然而自力更生方案已经遇到资源、资金、需求3种约束。处理好保护和开放,通过两个市场接轨“平台”,有效地实现国内资源和国外资源的结合,不断调整优化农业产业结构,提高农业的整体素质和效益,对中国农业发展至关重要。本报告提出了加入WTO后,中国农业参与世界合作的两个阶段,即过渡期和过渡后期的若干对策建议。
,AbstractEN:In terms of agriculture,China has three “irreversible” conditions—growing population,dwindling farmland and increasing demand. The country also has five outstanding contradictions—contradictions between micro-production policies and changes in demand structure,between destruction of the environment and resources and agricultural development,between the support needed for agricultural development and the government ability to render the support,and between reduction in self-supply of grain and the state’s economic and political security. Up to now,almost all developed countries have financial subsidies and protective measures for their own agricultural sector,whereas China’s agricultural policies are just the opposite. In mapping out the blueprint for agricultural development,the current mainstream points of view of Chinese scholars remain to be focused on the “four-step strategy”,namely,the household contract responsibility system with remuneration linked to output,township enterprises,small towns,and the integration of urban and rural areas,under the condition that China stays out of WTO. The strategy is characterized by relying on farmers and their initiative for meeting the social requirements for sufficient food supply,while the role of the state is mainly to offer encouraging policies to farmers and give less or no more direct input or support to them. However,the self-reliance program has run into the three restraints of resources,capital and demand. Once China joins WTO,the development of its agriculture will be exposed to market risks,unemployment risks and security risks,among others. For China’s agricultural sector to grow,it is of vital importance to handle well the relations between protection and opening. That means that we should,through the “platform” that bridges domestic and international market,effectively integrate domestic resources with foreign resources,constantly readjust and optimize agricultural structure,and improve the overall quality and efficiency of the sector. This report puts forth some suggestions as countermeasures for China’s agriculture to participate in international cooperation in two phases,that is,the transition period and post transition period,after China joins WTO.
,KeyWords:6641,2669,2786,46555,22747,EKeyWords:,SubjectWords:,LiteratureId:6306221,Fileref:null,OrderFlag:0,IsLeaf:N,PubDate:null,FindDate:null,IssueDate:null,DocType:null,ProductSeries:null,Doi:null,InstanceID:0,MinNodeSearch:Y,XmlID:b1201506010010416_000_003,Prop1:null,Prop2:null,Prop3:null,prop4:null,AddUser:admin,AddTime:2016-01-18 16:19:32.0,ModifyUser:null,ModifyTime:2023-09-26 20:54:15.0,HitCount:8,ShowType:putong,LogoID:0,PdfID:6306222,DownCount:0,AuthorInfos:,BookPublishDate:2000-01-01 00:00:00.0,SearchTitle:分报告二:WTO与中国农业,ISBN:7-80149-269-2,BookTitle:中国“入世”研究报告:进入WTO的中国产业,BookStatus:7,AllowDownload:Y,BookVersionNum:null,researchorg:null,CopyRightDate:null,ExcellentPeriod:null,PrizeLevel:null,IsExcellence:null,ContentClass:null,IsDisabled:N,SearchTitle_2:分报告二:WTO与中国农业,_RowNo:8中国是世界上最大的纺织品生产国与出口国,纺织品的生产和出口对于本国的经济发展和外汇平衡来说至关重要,同时对世界纺织品的供求平衡和贸易格局亦是举足轻重。70年代以来,在“多种纤维协定”的框架下,国际纺织品贸易体制长期背离关贸总协定的基本原则,发达的纺织品进口国一直对发展中的纺织品出口国实行歧视性数量限制。经过长期艰苦的努力,乌拉圭回合谈判达成“纺织品和服装协定”,终于使多种纤维协定重新纳入关贸总协定的轨道,国际纺织品贸易将逐步实现自由化。国际纺织品贸易新体制的确立,对世界纺织品生产和贸易的格局将产生重大而深远的影响。本研究报告从国际国内宏观经济背景出发,回顾国际纺织品贸易发展及其贸易体制的演变过程,运用定性和定量的方法,分析研究加入WTO对中国纺织工业生产和贸易的影响,并根据国际国内新的发展动向提出对策建议。诸如:积极转变经济增长方式,增强国际竞争力;调整产业结构和产品结构,实现生产力合理布局,缩小与国际水平的差距;建立起具有快速反应机制的生产和贸易体系;积极合理有效地利用外资,对外资企业给予国民待遇;按照市场经济和国际规范的要求建立公平竞争的市场环境;提高出口配额使用率,实施多元化市场战略、集团化战略和国际化战略,推动纺织工业与世界经济接轨;加强对WTO特别是《纺织品和服装协议》有关条款的研究与运用,规范企业经营、维护企业和国家的权益,加强与有关国际组织的联合与合作。
,AbstractEN:China is the world’s largest textiles producer and exporter,and the production and exportation of textiles are of vital importance both to its economic development and foreign exchange balance,as well as to the balanced supply and demand of textiles and trade pattern in the world market. Since the 1970s,under the framework of the “Multifiber Arrangement(MFA)”,the international textiles trade system has long deviated from the fundamental principles of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade(GATT),and developed countries that import textiles have always imposed quantity restrictions of a discriminative nature on developing countries that export textiles. After long years of arduous efforts,the “Agreement on Textiles and Clothing” was reached during the Uruguay Round of GATT talks,which has finally brought the MFA into the GATT orbit again and makes it possible for international textiles trade to be liberalized gradually. The establishment of the new system for international textiles trade will have an important and far-reaching impact on the international pattern of textiles production and trade. This report,which is based on international and domestic macroeconomic background,reviews the development process of international textiles trade and its trade system,analyzes the impact of the WTO entry on China’s textiles production and exportation by both qualitative and quantitative means,and puts forward countermeasures according to the latest developments in both international and domestic markets. The suggestions include:actively changing the mode for economic growth and increasing international competitiveness;adjusting industrial structure and product mix,striving for a rational layout of productive forces,and narrowing the gap between China and the outside world;establishing a production and trade system with rapid response mechanism;effectively utilizing foreign capital in a positive and reasonable manner,and giving national treatment to foreign-invested ventures;creating a market environment for fair competition in accordance with the requirements of market economy and international practice;making better use of export quotas,implementing the strategies of diversified markets and group and internationalized operations,and promoting the integration of the domestic textile industry into the world economy;and intensifying the study and application of related stipulations of WTO,and the Agreement on Textiles and Clothing in particular,standardizing corporate operations,safeguarding the rights and benefits of enterprises and the state,and strengthening the collaboration and cooperation with related international organizations.
,KeyWords:6641,46927,2786,EKeyWords:,SubjectWords:,LiteratureId:6306308,Fileref:null,OrderFlag:0,IsLeaf:N,PubDate:null,FindDate:null,IssueDate:null,DocType:null,ProductSeries:null,Doi:null,InstanceID:0,MinNodeSearch:Y,XmlID:b1201506010010416_000_004,Prop1:null,Prop2:null,Prop3:null,prop4:null,AddUser:admin,AddTime:2016-01-18 16:19:36.0,ModifyUser:Admin,ModifyTime:2023-09-26 20:54:15.0,HitCount:14,ShowType:putong,LogoID:0,PdfID:6306309,DownCount:7,AuthorInfos:,BookPublishDate:2000-01-01 00:00:00.0,SearchTitle:分报告三:WTO与中国纺织工业,ISBN:7-80149-269-2,BookTitle:中国“入世”研究报告:进入WTO的中国产业,BookStatus:7,AllowDownload:Y,BookVersionNum:null,researchorg:null,CopyRightDate:null,ExcellentPeriod:null,PrizeLevel:null,IsExcellence:null,ContentClass:null,IsDisabled:N,SearchTitle_2:分报告三:WTO与中国纺织工业,_RowNo:9受亚洲金融危机的影响,世界石油石化产品市场萎靡不振,各跨国石油石化公司纷纷调整发展战略和产品结构,通过资产交易方式强化优势产业,增强竞争能力,出现了世界范围的重组浪潮。随着国内市场开放程度的进一步扩大,中国石油石化工业将受到国际大公司更加激烈的竞争。本报告概述了中国石油石化工业目前的生产和市场现状;从中国石油石化工业所面对的来自大型跨国公司的挑战和差距,说明了中国加入WTO所面临的严峻形势。加入WTO后,中国石油石化工业将面临新的经济发展环境和更为复杂的市场竞争环境。取消非关税壁垒、减让关税以及给予外国公司贸易权及分销权,将直接导致大量石油石化产品进口、市场价格下跌和行业巨额亏损,并将给现有体制结构下的中国石油石化工业带来的持续而深广的不利影响。对此,报告从行业和企业体制改革、技术改造和技术创新、提升管理水平和强化成本约束、强化市场营销、完善营销体系等方面,提出了旨在改善和增强中国石油石化企业竞争力的若干方案。并就中国石油石化工业有关关税减让与非关税壁垒的谈判原则、进口与分销管理、外商投资管理、财税政策支持、固定资产投资审批,以及运用WTO保障条款等方面,提出了一些政策建议。
,AbstractEN:Affected by the Asian financial crisis,the world oil and petrochemical market has been in low spirits. All multinational corporations have begun to adjust their development strategies and product mix,strengthen their superior industries and improve their competitiveness through capital trade,leading to a high tide of industrial restructuring throughout the world. With the further opening of the Chinese market,China’s petroleum and petrochemical industry will meet fiercer competition from international big companies. This report gives a general account of the current situation of production and market facing China’s petroleum and petrochemical industry. It also points out the serious situation following China’s WTO entry in terms of the challenges the industry will meet from big multinationals and the gap between them. After China’s joins WTO,the petroleum and petrochemical industry will face a new environment for development and a more complicated market environment for competition. The cancellation of non-tariff barriers,tariff concession and granting of trade right and distribution right to foreign companies will directly result in the influx of large amounts of oil imports,price drops and huge amount of losses of the industry. All this will bring sustained and farreaching adverse impact on the industry under the current system and structure. This reports therefore puts forth some plans aimed at improving and strengthening the competitiveness of China’s oil and petrochemical enterprises,involving reforming industrial and enterprise system,technological upgrading and innovation,improving management and increasing cost effectiveness,strengthening marketing and improving the marketing system,among others. The report also contains some policy suggestions on the principle of negotiations over tariff concession and non-tariff barrier cancellation,import and distribution management,foreign investment management,financial and taxation support,approval of fixed asset investment projects,and the application of safeguard clauses of WTO,etc.
,KeyWords:6641,599750,2786,EKeyWords:,SubjectWords:,LiteratureId:6306590,Fileref:null,OrderFlag:0,IsLeaf:N,PubDate:null,FindDate:null,IssueDate:null,DocType:null,ProductSeries:null,Doi:null,InstanceID:0,MinNodeSearch:Y,XmlID:b1201506010010416_000_006,Prop1:null,Prop2:null,Prop3:null,prop4:null,AddUser:admin,AddTime:2016-01-18 16:19:46.0,ModifyUser:Admin,ModifyTime:2023-09-26 20:54:15.0,HitCount:11,ShowType:putong,LogoID:0,PdfID:6306591,DownCount:3,AuthorInfos:,BookPublishDate:2000-01-01 00:00:00.0,SearchTitle:分报告五:WTO与中国石油石化工业,ISBN:7-80149-269-2,BookTitle:中国“入世”研究报告:进入WTO的中国产业,BookStatus:7,AllowDownload:Y,BookVersionNum:null,researchorg:null,CopyRightDate:null,ExcellentPeriod:null,PrizeLevel:null,IsExcellence:null,ContentClass:null,IsDisabled:N,SearchTitle_2:分报告五:WTO与中国石油石化工业,_RowNo:10中国机械工业已建立起门类齐全、实力比较雄厚的物质技术基础,基本形成了具有自主制造能力的国民经济装备体系。然而机械工业长期存在的产品质量低、产品结构和产业结构不合理、自主开发能力弱的状况没有得到根本的转变。从而延缓了机械工业赶超世界先进水平的进度,使得机械工业企业和产品在总体上缺乏国际市场竞争能力。
,AbstractEN:China’s machine-building industry has established a comparatively solid material and technological foundation with a complete industrial system and has basically built an equipment system to produce machinery independently for the development of the national economy. However,no fundamental change has been made in solving the industry’s long-standing problems of low quality,irrational product mix and industrial structure and poor independent development ability. This has slowed down the pace of the industry to catch up with the advanced world level and led to the lack of international competitiveness of China’s machine builders and their products as a whole.
After China’s WTO entry,most of Chinese machinery products and enterprises will be adversely affected by their foreign counterparts. This report describes what the impact will be on the nearly 70 major sectors of the machine-building industry,citing the results of calculations of the “impact level” defined by the ratio of change in the sales of machinery products before and after China’s WTO accession. It also depicts the role of China’s WTO entry in promoting the development of the machine-building industry as joining WTO will increase the industry’s participation in international division of labor and accelerate the integration of domestic and international machinery product markets. This role is interpreted as to help deepen the reform of the machine-building industry and rev up the transformation of corporate operation mechanism;improve the export environment of machinery products and diversify export markets;and facilitate the introduction of foreign technology and capital to promote the upgrading of machinery products.
The report also puts forward countermeasures and suggestions for revitalizing the machine-building industry under the challenges to be faced after China’s WTO entry. Starting from the characteristics of the machine-building industry,it points out that to make full use of domestic and foreign markets and resources and actively participate in international division of labor,it is inappropriate to emphasize an overall increase in the ratio of domestically made parts and components of machinery products. It is also improper for the state to provide the industry with complete support and protection. Both the protection and support should be given at a modest level.
,KeyWords:6641,35765,2786,8606,EKeyWords:,SubjectWords:,LiteratureId:6306790,Fileref:null,OrderFlag:0,IsLeaf:N,PubDate:null,FindDate:null,IssueDate:null,DocType:null,ProductSeries:null,Doi:null,InstanceID:0,MinNodeSearch:Y,XmlID:b1201506010010416_000_007,Prop1:null,Prop2:null,Prop3:null,prop4:null,AddUser:admin,AddTime:2016-01-18 16:19:50.0,ModifyUser:Admin,ModifyTime:2023-09-26 20:54:15.0,HitCount:7,ShowType:putong,LogoID:0,PdfID:6306791,DownCount:3,AuthorInfos:,BookPublishDate:2000-01-01 00:00:00.0,SearchTitle:分报告六:WTO与中国机械工业,ISBN:7-80149-269-2,BookTitle:中国“入世”研究报告:进入WTO的中国产业,BookStatus:7,AllowDownload:Y,BookVersionNum:null,researchorg:null,CopyRightDate:null,ExcellentPeriod:null,PrizeLevel:null,IsExcellence:null,ContentClass:null,IsDisabled:N,SearchTitle_2:分报告六:WTO与中国机械工业,_RowNo:11近年来,世界汽车工业增长出现停滞局面,表现为产量下降和吸引新投资下降。与全球需求比较,世界汽车生产能力过剩30%。由于全球经济的影响和汽车工业本身调整的需要,预计在21世纪初这种状况还会进一步加剧。国际汽车工业的不景气,迫使各国汽车企业加快新产品开发,以观念创新、技术创新和营销创新开拓新的市场空间,竞争日益加剧。经济全球化步伐的显著加快,各国在经济上的依存度越来越高,世界汽车业的联合与并购加速。汽车业跨国公司对产业控制的集中度之高,为各类产业所罕见。发达国家汽车产业凭借其科技实力和科研开发基础设施上的比较优势,使其市场和资本向发展中国家转移。
,AbstractEN:The growth in the world automobile market has been stagnant in recent years,which is mainly seen in declining production and new investment in the sector. The total automobile production capacity throughout the world is 30% more than the global demand. The situation is expected to further intensify in early next century due to the impact of the global economy and the needs of the automotive industry for readjustments. The depression of the world automotive industry has forced auto makers of all countries to step up development of new products and open up new markets with new conception,technology and marketing tactics,leading to increasingly fierce competition. Meanwhile,economic globalization is putting on speed,all countries are increasingly dependent on each other economically and company association,merger and acquisition in the world automotive industry is also developing in a quickened pace. The control of the automotive industry by multinational auto makers is so intensive that it can hardly be found in other industries. Backed by their technological strength and comparative advantages in research and development facilities,developed countries have begun to divert the market and capital of their automotive industry to developing countries.
China is one of the few regions in today’s world where there is tremendous potential demand for automobiles. In terms of the impact of the WTO entry on China’s automotive industry,it is clear that as it obviously belongs to the range of “infant industry”,a certain level of protection is a must for its growth. In the view of long-term development,no matter whether China joins WTO,gradual tariff cuts and the final cancellation of non-tariff barriers are inevitable. It is also an objective requirement for China’s automotive industry to sharpen its international competitive edge through market competition. Therefore it is a top priority task of China’s automotive industry to choose the correct development mode and increase its competitive power during the protection period for gradual tariff concession and before the final cancellation of nontariff barriers. The protection will deserve it if China’s family car industry can reach such a level as to point to a bright future in its independent development ability,production capacity and comprehensive competition ability by 2005 when it enters the period of maturity. Otherwise,the protection is not necessary. In view of China’s demand for economic development and the characteristics of its automotive industry,we only have the two choices mentioned above. We have to take one or the other or both. It is imperative that a policy of appropriate protection and energetic support must be adopted for the development of China’s automotive industry.
,KeyWords:6641,6161,2786,EKeyWords:,SubjectWords:,LiteratureId:6306920,Fileref:null,OrderFlag:0,IsLeaf:N,PubDate:null,FindDate:null,IssueDate:null,DocType:null,ProductSeries:null,Doi:null,InstanceID:0,MinNodeSearch:Y,XmlID:b1201506010010416_000_008,Prop1:null,Prop2:null,Prop3:null,prop4:null,AddUser:admin,AddTime:2016-01-18 16:19:55.0,ModifyUser:Admin,ModifyTime:2023-09-26 20:54:15.0,HitCount:13,ShowType:putong,LogoID:0,PdfID:6306921,DownCount:9,AuthorInfos:,BookPublishDate:2000-01-01 00:00:00.0,SearchTitle:分报告七:WTO与中国汽车工业,ISBN:7-80149-269-2,BookTitle:中国“入世”研究报告:进入WTO的中国产业,BookStatus:7,AllowDownload:Y,BookVersionNum:null,researchorg:null,CopyRightDate:null,ExcellentPeriod:null,PrizeLevel:null,IsExcellence:null,ContentClass:null,IsDisabled:N,SearchTitle_2:分报告七:WTO与中国汽车工业,_RowNo:12中国加入WTO,无论是对中国IT产业的发展,还是对世界IT产业的发展,都将产生十分深远的重大影响。为实现全球信息技术产品贸易的自由化,世贸组织信息技术协议谈判达成一致意见并正式生效。中国表示将尽早参加该协议。中国加入信息技术协议和WTO,对于中国IT产业的发展来说,不仅仅是严峻的挑战,而且也是难得的机遇。IT产业在国民经济中具有极其重要的地位与作用和广阔的发展前景,通过加入信息技术协议和WTO,可以充分利用国内外两个市场和两种资源,提高中国IT产业的技术水平,促进IT产业的发展,增强IT产业在世界市场上的竞争力,不仅有利于满足国民经济发展和人民群众对信息技术产品的需求,而且也有利于在世界信息技术产品市场上占有一席之地,本报告拟在对中国加入信息技术协议和世贸组织IT产业面临的挑战、国外IT企业进入中国信息技术产品市场的预测等问题进行研究的基础上,提出在新的形势下抓住机遇加快发展中国IT产业的对策建议。
,AbstractEN:China’s entry into WTO will have a far-reaching impact on the development of the IT industry both in China and in the world. To realize global trade liberalization of IT products,consensus has been reached in the negotiation over the WTO information technology agreement and the document has taken effect officially. China has expressed its willingness to join the agreement as early as possible,which will give a great impetus to the country’s WTO negotiations. For the development of the Chinese IT industry,the entry of China into the IT agreement and WTO means not only grave challenges,but also hardly-won opportunities. Joining the IT agreement and WTO will help China make full use of both domestic and foreign markets and resources,improve the technological level of its IT industry,promote the development of the industry,and increase its competitive power in the international market. This will not only be favorable for boosting the nation’s economic development and meeting the needs of the Chinese people for IT products;it will also help China gain a firm foothold in the world IT product market. This report puts forth some suggestions as countermeasures to seize the opportunity to rev up the development of China’s IT industry under the new situation. The suggestions are based on a study of the challenges the IT industry will meet following China’s entry into the IT agreement and WTO,the experiences and lessons of other countries in developing the IT industry under the framework of the IT agreement and WTO,as well as the predicted entry of foreign IT enterprises into the Chinese market.
,KeyWords:6641,125223,2786,73109,EKeyWords:,SubjectWords:,LiteratureId:6307011,Fileref:null,OrderFlag:0,IsLeaf:N,PubDate:null,FindDate:null,IssueDate:null,DocType:null,ProductSeries:null,Doi:null,InstanceID:0,MinNodeSearch:Y,XmlID:b1201506010010416_000_009,Prop1:null,Prop2:null,Prop3:null,prop4:null,AddUser:admin,AddTime:2016-01-18 16:20:00.0,ModifyUser:Admin,ModifyTime:2023-09-26 20:54:15.0,HitCount:10,ShowType:putong,LogoID:0,PdfID:6307012,DownCount:3,AuthorInfos:,BookPublishDate:2000-01-01 00:00:00.0,SearchTitle:分报告八:WTO与中国信息技术产业,ISBN:7-80149-269-2,BookTitle:中国“入世”研究报告:进入WTO的中国产业,BookStatus:7,AllowDownload:Y,BookVersionNum:null,researchorg:null,CopyRightDate:null,ExcellentPeriod:null,PrizeLevel:null,IsExcellence:null,ContentClass:null,IsDisabled:N,SearchTitle_2:分报告八:WTO与中国信息技术产业,_RowNo:13世界电信业因其固有自然垄断性,从它诞生那天起就成为政府垄断行业。随着科学技术的高速发展和信息产业的诞生,改变了传统电信业的服务领域和服务方式,加之集中了巨额私人资本的跨国集团的出现,世界电信业的经营格局在80年代开始发生变化,引发了全球电信业市场开放浪潮。1997年2月15日,WTO中代表全球90%以上电信业务的69个成员国正式签署了推动2000年的电信市场对外开放的《基础电信协议》。
,AbstractEN:Due to its intrinsic monopolistic nature,the world’s telecom industry has fallen into a government-monopolized industry since the very beginning. The rapid development of science and technology and the birth of the IT industry have changed the service field and mode of the traditional telecom industry. Along with the emergence of multinational groups that amass huge amounts of private capital,changes began to take place in the operation pattern of the world telecom industry since the 1980s,setting off the wave of openness in the global telecom market. On February 15,1997,the 69 WTO member nations that handled more than 90% of global telecom business officially signed the Basic Telecommunications Agreement that is aimed to promote the opening of the telecom market by 2000.
Since China began the reform and opening drive,its telecom industry has made giant strides and become one of the economic sectors that have grown the fastest. Compared with other countries,China’s telecom industry is still lack of development,but the potential demand is tremendous. It is just because of the huge potential that international telecom capital has been pressing for the opening of the Chinese telecom market. To counter the viewpoints of some experts,who do not agree about opening the telecom industry,this report puts forth different views. It assumes that if China does not join WTO and open the telecom market,after 2005,Chinese telecom enterprises may lose the opportunity to enter the world market and lose the competition with international telecom capital at the domestic market. It is true that joining WTO will adversely affect the development of China’s telecom industry to some extent,but in the long-term view,the impact will mainly be positive.
,KeyWords:6641,44026,2786,EKeyWords:,SubjectWords:,LiteratureId:6307084,Fileref:null,OrderFlag:0,IsLeaf:N,PubDate:null,FindDate:null,IssueDate:null,DocType:null,ProductSeries:null,Doi:null,InstanceID:0,MinNodeSearch:Y,XmlID:b1201506010010416_000_010,Prop1:null,Prop2:null,Prop3:null,prop4:null,AddUser:admin,AddTime:2016-01-18 16:20:03.0,ModifyUser:Admin,ModifyTime:2023-09-26 20:54:15.0,HitCount:6,ShowType:putong,LogoID:0,PdfID:6307085,DownCount:3,AuthorInfos:,BookPublishDate:2000-01-01 00:00:00.0,SearchTitle:分报告九:WTO与中国电信业,ISBN:7-80149-269-2,BookTitle:中国“入世”研究报告:进入WTO的中国产业,BookStatus:7,AllowDownload:Y,BookVersionNum:null,researchorg:null,CopyRightDate:null,ExcellentPeriod:null,PrizeLevel:null,IsExcellence:null,ContentClass:null,IsDisabled:N,SearchTitle_2:分报告九:WTO与中国电信业,_RowNo:14金融服务贸易作为服务贸易谈判的一个主题,越来越被各国高度重视。金融服务关系到国家经济发展、社会稳定等重大的政治、经济目标,因此各国对本国金融业都制定了各种管理法规、条例及行政措施。对不同国家已有法规及管理措施的相异情况如何处理,是WTO各成员方关注的焦点。按照国内法应受尊重的国际惯例,一方成员对其他国家在金融服务方面的谨慎措施可以给予确认。各成员方在承诺维护国内现有金融服务管理现状的前提下应承担市场准入等方面的义务。国际金融开放程度实际上就是各国通过金融服务贸易壁垒对本国金融业的保护程度。
,AbstractEN:Financial service trade,as a major topic in service trade negotiations,has attracted increasingly close attention from all countries in the world. Financial service has a bearing on a country’s fundamental political and economic targets such as economic development and social stability. Therefore every country has formulated various laws,regulations and administrative rules governing the management of its own financial business. How to deal with the similarities and differences of these laws,regulations and administrative rules of various countries has been the focus of attention of all WTO member nations. In accordance with the international practice that a country’s domestic laws should be respected,a member nation should recognize the prudent measures adopted by other member nations to manage financial services. All member nations promise to undertake the obligations of market access under the prerequisite that their existing situation of financial service management should be maintained. The level of international financial openness,as a matter of fact,goes down to the level of efforts by all countries to protect their own financial industry through financial service trade barriers.
Since China began its reform and opening drive,the financial industry has made certain progress in both development and still proceed with the reform drive in an orderly way and step by step.
This report places emphasis on analyzing China’s banking and insurance industry,and discusses the challenges the financial sector will face after the country joins WTO as well as related suggestions and countermeasures.
,KeyWords:6641,5181,20418,20420,2786,EKeyWords:,SubjectWords:,LiteratureId:6307125,Fileref:null,OrderFlag:0,IsLeaf:N,PubDate:null,FindDate:null,IssueDate:null,DocType:null,ProductSeries:null,Doi:null,InstanceID:0,MinNodeSearch:Y,XmlID:b1201506010010416_000_011,Prop1:null,Prop2:null,Prop3:null,prop4:null,AddUser:admin,AddTime:2016-01-18 16:20:06.0,ModifyUser:Admin,ModifyTime:2023-09-26 20:54:15.0,HitCount:14,ShowType:putong,LogoID:0,PdfID:6307126,DownCount:10,AuthorInfos:,BookPublishDate:2000-01-01 00:00:00.0,SearchTitle:分报告十:WTO与中国金融服务业,ISBN:7-80149-269-2,BookTitle:中国“入世”研究报告:进入WTO的中国产业,BookStatus:7,AllowDownload:Y,BookVersionNum:null,researchorg:null,CopyRightDate:null,ExcellentPeriod:null,PrizeLevel:null,IsExcellence:null,ContentClass:null,IsDisabled:N,SearchTitle_2:分报告十:WTO与中国金融服务业,_RowNo:15世界贸易组织(WTO)是关贸总协定经过乌拉圭回合(1984~1990年)后建立的作为世界贸易秩序支柱的国际组织。其基本组成是3个协议:关贸总协定(GATT)、服务贸易总协定(GATS)和知识产权总协定(TRIPS)。世界贸易组织的意图是为所有贸易事务,其中包括关税、市场准入、知识产权、倾销、最惠国待遇、劳工、仲裁和制裁等都制定出规范。世贸组织是一个超国家的经济立法和司法机构。世贸组织的规范高于个别国家的法律规范,任何国家的经济立法只要与世贸组织规范相抵触,就可能被判违背世贸规则和遭受制裁。当然,在实践中,经济大国,特别是美国并不把制裁放在眼里,制裁只对违背美国利益的弱小国家有效。世贸组织是经济全球化的产物,同时也是进一步推进经济全球化的制度保证。世贸组织同国际货币基金组织、世界银行三足鼎立,成为21世纪世界经济秩序中贸易、金融和发展三大领域中维持贸易秩序的主要支柱。
,AbstractEN:Generally speaking,the economic development modes of all countries in the world can be roughly classified into two types:the dependent mode and independent mode. Multinational corporations are the key player in economies following the former mode,which is characterized by the dependence on foreign direct investment as major source of investment;while economic development in the latter mode focuses on fostering and promoting the growth of national enterprises. The dependent mode can be further divided into the geographic condition dependent mode and the resources dependent mode. It is a country’s economic development structure,geographic conditions and other external factors and resources that decide the nation’s choice of whichever development mode. For big countries,it is improper to choose the dependent development mode.
This report analyzes the impact of WTO accession on China’s economy,employing the theoretical framework of the overlapping of three different advantages:industrial productive force advantage,industrial comparative advantage and enterprise competition advantage. China’s industrial productive force advantage is mainly reflected in some ten intermediate product sectors such as electricity and chemical industries;its industrial comparative advantage can mainly be seen in some ten labor-intensive sectors like clothing and stationery industries;and Chinese enterprises with certain competition advantage are only a few big enterprise groups engaged in transnational operations. In terms of development,China’s industrial comparative advantage is chiefly found in production and resulted from fairly low labor cost;in terms of the growth of multinational corporations,the international competitive power of Chinese enterprises is still in the making;and in terms of industrial distribution,the three advantages stay in such a state that there is not any overlapping of them,however,only when the three advantages overlap in industrial distribution can a comprehensive advantage be formed in global competition.
Joining the WTO is important to China in a series of strategic issues,such as the mode and level of China’s integration into the global economy,its choice and implementation of economic development strategies,the establishment of its international position,and the safeguarding of its security. The cost-benefit analysis of China’s WTO entry shows that the benefits would mean such a situation that is conducive to standardizing and expanding China’s export market,and enables China to enjoy more preferential treatment in trade,participate in making new global trade rules and boost the development of national enterprises amid competition. Meanwhile,the costs would be the weakening of both the government role in making economic policies independently and the inner mechanism to support economic development,among others.
The above analysis indicates that as a big developing country,China should adhere to a long-term,open,independent development mode,which is determined by its conditions for choosing the mode,the composition of its comprehensive economic strength and its goals to integrate into the world economy. The strategic goal of China’s joining the WTO is to make effective use of outside resources,accelerate independent development and pursue an international economic position that matches its comprehensive national strength. The only way to improve the international competitiveness Chinese industries and enterprises,in the final analysis,lies in the deepening of reforms to get rid of all hurdles in the economic structure that restrain the growth of competitive power.
,KeyWords:6641,24573,2786,4693,EKeyWords:,SubjectWords:,LiteratureId:6307239,Fileref:null,OrderFlag:0,IsLeaf:N,PubDate:null,FindDate:null,IssueDate:null,DocType:null,ProductSeries:null,Doi:null,InstanceID:0,MinNodeSearch:Y,XmlID:b1201506010010416_000_012,Prop1:null,Prop2:null,Prop3:null,prop4:null,AddUser:admin,AddTime:2016-01-18 16:20:11.0,ModifyUser:null,ModifyTime:2023-09-26 20:54:15.0,HitCount:3,ShowType:putong,LogoID:0,PdfID:6307240,DownCount:0,AuthorInfos:,BookPublishDate:2000-01-01 00:00:00.0,SearchTitle:分报告十一:“入世”对中国产业发展的总体影响,ISBN:7-80149-269-2,BookTitle:中国“入世”研究报告:进入WTO的中国产业,BookStatus:7,AllowDownload:Y,BookVersionNum:null,researchorg:null,CopyRightDate:null,ExcellentPeriod:null,PrizeLevel:null,IsExcellence:null,ContentClass:null,IsDisabled:N,SearchTitle_2:分报告十一:“入世”对中国产业发展的总体影响,_RowNo:16