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国家知识资源服务中心 CARSI
Traffic Safety from Haddon to Vision Zero and beyond
Twenty years ago a text on traffic safety and the need for improvement typically started with a sentence claiming that the economical impact of crashes,injuries and fatalities was large and problematic.It was sometimes followed by a sentence that injuries and fatalities also caused suffering for the individuals and families.This is of course no sign of that those who wrote the texts were cold-hearted,but rather a mainstream expression of that the society was suffering from the individual's behav

Claes Tingvall: Claes Tingvall,Professor at Chalmers as well as Professor at Monash University Accident Research Centre,Retired from Swedish Transport Administration,Senior Consultant at ÅF in Sweden.

Anders Lie: Anders Lie,Expert at Swedish Transport Administration,Professor at Chalmers University of Technology.
