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International Security Studies Volume 2, Number 2, Winter 2016

书 名: International Security Studies Volume 2, Number 2, Winter 2016
英 文 名: 国际安全研究.2016年.第2辑
作 者: TAOJian
I S B N: 978-7-5201-0044-1
关 键 词:  国家安全 研究 世界 英文
出版日期: 2016-12-01




CommonID:DIR_50523111,ID:9434005,SiteID:14,Type:chapter,Code:null,ParentId:0,InnerCode:342449,name:Building an Asia-Pacific Security Architecture: Objectives, Conditions and Visions,ShortName:,SubName:,EnTitle:,EnShortTitle:,EnSubTitle:,Level:0,BookId:9433999,AbstractCH:,AbstractEN:

It is pointed out by the Chinese leadership that, despite numerous frameworks for Asia-Pacific economic cooperation, a regional security architecture that suits the regional realities and meets the needs of various countries should and must be constructed. China should grasp the current strategic opportunities, assume the role of concept-generator and agenda maker, and duly advocate the creation of an Asia-Pacific regional security architecture. This paper lists six objectives in building a regional security architecture, compares the positions and proposals of various countries on regional security affairs and analyzes the three salient security issues—North Korea, the East China Sea and the South China Sea. Given the attitudes of the United States, Russia, Japan, South Korea, Australia and the ASEAN, it is impossible for any one of these entities to take the initiative in building a comprehensive architecture; nor is it advisable for China to do so under these circumstances. What China needs to do at this moment is to define its strategic goals and clarify its strategic thinking.

,KeyWords:null,EKeyWords:45457,398102,113101,219036,SubjectWords:null,LiteratureId:9434004,Fileref:null,OrderFlag:0,IsLeaf:N,PubDate:null,FindDate:null,IssueDate:null,DocType:null,ProductSeries:null,Doi:null,InstanceID:0,MinNodeSearch:Y,XmlID:b120161201X20161744001_000_001,Prop1:null,Prop2:null,Prop3:null,prop4:null,AddUser:wanghan,AddTime:2018-02-11 08:41:04.0,ModifyUser:null,ModifyTime:2018-02-11 09:12:46.0,HitCount:5,ShowType:putong,LogoID:0,PdfID:9434006,DownCount:4,AuthorInfos:{"WANG Jisi":{"Address":"","Affiliation":"","Email":"","Role":null,"Photo":null,"Blurb":"

Wang Jisi, Professor and Director of Institute of International and Strategic Studies, Peking University, Beijing, China.

"}},BookPublishDate:2016-12-01 00:00:00.0,SearchTitle:Building an Asia-Pacific Security Architecture: Objectives, Conditions and Visions,ISBN:978-7-5201-0044-1,BookTitle:International Security Studies Volume 2, Number 2, Winter 2016,BookStatus:6,AllowDownload:Y,BookVersionNum:null,researchorg:null,CopyRightDate:null,ExcellentPeriod:null,PrizeLevel:null,IsExcellence:null,ContentClass:null,IsDisabled:N,SearchTitle_2:Building an Asia-Pacific Security Architecture: Objectives, Conditions and Visions,_RowNo:1
CommonID:DIR_50523130,ID:9434008,SiteID:14,Type:chapter,Code:null,ParentId:0,InnerCode:342450,name:Theory of Land-Ocean Peaceful Cooperation: a Geopolitical Study of the Sustainable Security of One Belt One Road50367118,ShortName:,SubName:,EnTitle:,EnShortTitle:,EnSubTitle:,Level:0,BookId:9433999,AbstractCH:,AbstractEN:

The joint establishment of One Belt One Road is a practice of international cooperation initiated by China and actively participated by other countries. One of the important issues is how to ensure sustainable common security, and what kind of geopolitical theory should be employed for guidance. Traditional geopolitical theories, such as sea power theory, land power theory and Rimland theory, mainly serve for the fight for geopolitical hegemony or military strategy. They are in sharp contrast with the goal of One Belt One Road, which is of mutual interest and a win-win situation. However, One Belt One Road is still regarded by some countries from the traditional geopolitical perspective. To equip One Belt One Road with new geopolitical concepts, the author hereby proposes the theory of land-ocean peaceful cooperation, which is a non-alliance network community of common interests, security and destiny. This community would be established for mutual benefits, between ocean countries and land countries, among ocean countries and among land countries. It could help policy communication among participant countries of One Belt One Road, and the establishment of an open net-like system of peaceful operation and common development. The theory of land-ocean peaceful cooperation of sustainable security, together with the practice of international cooperation of One Belt One Road, will undoubtedly break through the vicious cycle of the Eurasian geographical fight and confrontation between sea powers and land powers illustrated by the traditional geopolitics.

,KeyWords:null,EKeyWords:215385,398103,398104,6317,398105,SubjectWords:null,LiteratureId:9434007,Fileref:null,OrderFlag:0,IsLeaf:N,PubDate:null,FindDate:null,IssueDate:null,DocType:null,ProductSeries:null,Doi:null,InstanceID:0,MinNodeSearch:Y,XmlID:b120161201X20161744001_000_002,Prop1:null,Prop2:null,Prop3:null,prop4:null,AddUser:wanghan,AddTime:2018-02-11 08:41:04.0,ModifyUser:null,ModifyTime:2018-02-11 09:12:46.0,HitCount:2,ShowType:putong,LogoID:0,PdfID:9434009,DownCount:4,AuthorInfos:{"LIU Jiangyong":{"Address":"","Affiliation":"","Email":"","Role":null,"Photo":null,"Blurb":"

Liu Jiangyong, Professor and Vice Dean, Institute of International Relations, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.

"}},BookPublishDate:2016-12-01 00:00:00.0,SearchTitle:Theory of Land-Ocean Peaceful Cooperation: a Geopolitical Study of the Sustainable Security of One Belt One Road,ISBN:978-7-5201-0044-1,BookTitle:International Security Studies Volume 2, Number 2, Winter 2016,BookStatus:6,AllowDownload:Y,BookVersionNum:null,researchorg:null,CopyRightDate:null,ExcellentPeriod:null,PrizeLevel:null,IsExcellence:null,ContentClass:null,IsDisabled:N,SearchTitle_2:Theory of Land-Ocean Peaceful Cooperation: a Geopolitical Study of the Sustainable Security of One Belt One Road,_RowNo:2
CommonID:DIR_50523146,ID:9434011,SiteID:14,Type:chapter,Code:null,ParentId:0,InnerCode:342451,name:Managing Power Transitions: Towards a 21st Century Concert of Powers50367150,ShortName:,SubName:,EnTitle:,EnShortTitle:,EnSubTitle:,Level:0,BookId:9433999,AbstractCH:,AbstractEN:

Power shifts and especially power transitions in the international system are often associated with (military) conflict. Power Transition Theory (PTT) does offer an analysis of this phenomenon but no remedy. We suggest easing the tensions related to ongoing worldwide power shifts by introducing a new informal multilateral security governance institution, based on the idea of a concert of powers. The historical European Concert of the 19th century prevented the outbreak of great power wars for more than a generation by providing a cooperation framework, based on shared norms and common procedures. In this article we explore the possibility of utilizing a modernized concert of powers as a framework for managing the coming power shifts. In order to do so, we introduce two new elements in Power Transition Theory: (1) the importance of the (dis)satisfaction of the declining hegemon with the anticipated future order, and (2) a broader multilateral framework of major powers that overcomes the Power Transition Theory’s traditional bilateral “duel” situation. On this basis, institutionalized power transition management becomes possible. We then work out the norms, strengths and weaknesses of the historical concert and update it with a few new features that would be necessary for it to be successful in the 21st century.

,KeyWords:null,EKeyWords:398106,176875,398107,3524,89402,60103,163277,SubjectWords:null,LiteratureId:9434010,Fileref:null,OrderFlag:0,IsLeaf:N,PubDate:null,FindDate:null,IssueDate:null,DocType:null,ProductSeries:null,Doi:null,InstanceID:0,MinNodeSearch:Y,XmlID:b120161201X20161744001_000_003,Prop1:null,Prop2:null,Prop3:null,prop4:null,AddUser:wanghan,AddTime:2018-02-11 08:41:05.0,ModifyUser:null,ModifyTime:2018-02-11 09:12:46.0,HitCount:2,ShowType:putong,LogoID:0,PdfID:9434012,DownCount:4,AuthorInfos:{"Harald Müller":{"Address":"","Affiliation":"","Email":"","Role":null,"Photo":null,"Blurb":"

Harald Müller, Professor, Director (ret.) at the Peace Research Institute and Professor for International Relations at Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany.

"},"Carsten Rauch":{"Address":"","Affiliation":"","Email":"","Role":null,"Photo":null,"Blurb":"

Carsten Rauch, Research Fellow, Department of International Security and World Order, Peace Research Institute Frankfurt, Germany.

"}},BookPublishDate:2016-12-01 00:00:00.0,SearchTitle:Managing Power Transitions: Towards a 21st Century Concert of Powers,ISBN:978-7-5201-0044-1,BookTitle:International Security Studies Volume 2, Number 2, Winter 2016,BookStatus:6,AllowDownload:Y,BookVersionNum:null,researchorg:null,CopyRightDate:null,ExcellentPeriod:null,PrizeLevel:null,IsExcellence:null,ContentClass:null,IsDisabled:N,SearchTitle_2:Managing Power Transitions: Towards a 21st Century Concert of Powers,_RowNo:3
CommonID:DIR_50523164,ID:9434019,SiteID:14,Type:chapter,Code:null,ParentId:0,InnerCode:342452,name:Three Modes of Thinking and Policy Orientation of Cultural Security,ShortName:,SubName:,EnTitle:,EnShortTitle:,EnSubTitle:,Level:0,BookId:9433999,AbstractCH:,AbstractEN:

Three types of relations are entangled nowadays in dealing with issues concerning national cultural security on both the theoretical and practical levels: (1) the relation between one’s own culture and that of other ethnic groups; (2) the relation between advanced and underdeveloped parts of culture; (3) the relation between one’s ethnic culture and so-called foreign advanced culture as related to the previous two. Accordingly, three modes of thinking are likely adopted in handling issues concerning national cultural security: to antagonize one’s own culture with that of other ethnic groups, that is, taking the “me or you” attitude; to dualize cultures as the “advanced” and the “underdeveloped”, that is, believing things to be good if not bad, or vice versa; and to assert that the ethnic are the advanced, that is, taking the “only-me-good” stance. It is a very demanding job to maintain national culture and to pursue cultural development at the same time. Only when cultures are grouped into those without distinction between the advanced and the underdeveloped and those with such distinction can the relation between the ethnic and the advanced be properly handled. With the former, it is essential to maintain the ethnicity of one’s own culture before the cultural security is safeguarded. With the latter, however, the pursuit of advanced cultures and the advocacy of the advanced part of a particular culture is a key to ensuring and safeguarding the national cultural security. Hence, it is important to enhance the public awareness of cultural security, and more essentially for the government to offer scientifically appropriate orientation towards cultural security and to frame related policies.

,KeyWords:null,EKeyWords:116676,112856,70941,32176,76652,32989,SubjectWords:null,LiteratureId:9434013,Fileref:null,OrderFlag:0,IsLeaf:N,PubDate:null,FindDate:null,IssueDate:null,DocType:null,ProductSeries:null,Doi:null,InstanceID:0,MinNodeSearch:Y,XmlID:b120161201X20161744001_000_004,Prop1:null,Prop2:null,Prop3:null,prop4:null,AddUser:wanghan,AddTime:2018-02-11 08:41:05.0,ModifyUser:null,ModifyTime:2018-02-11 09:12:46.0,HitCount:3,ShowType:putong,LogoID:0,PdfID:9434020,DownCount:4,AuthorInfos:{"LIU Yuejin":{"Address":"","Affiliation":"","Email":"","Role":null,"Photo":null,"Blurb":"

Liu Yuejin, Professor of Department of Public Administration, University of International Relations, Beijing.

"}},BookPublishDate:2016-12-01 00:00:00.0,SearchTitle:Three Modes of Thinking and Policy Orientation of Cultural Security,ISBN:978-7-5201-0044-1,BookTitle:International Security Studies Volume 2, Number 2, Winter 2016,BookStatus:6,AllowDownload:Y,BookVersionNum:null,researchorg:null,CopyRightDate:null,ExcellentPeriod:null,PrizeLevel:null,IsExcellence:null,ContentClass:null,IsDisabled:N,SearchTitle_2:Three Modes of Thinking and Policy Orientation of Cultural Security,_RowNo:4
CommonID:DIR_50523172,ID:9434022,SiteID:14,Type:chapter,Code:null,ParentId:0,InnerCode:342453,name:Climate Change and the US Security Sector: the Securitization of Climate Change,ShortName:,SubName:,EnTitle:,EnShortTitle:,EnSubTitle:,Level:0,BookId:9433999,AbstractCH:,AbstractEN:

This preliminary study traces how climate change came to be viewed as a security issue in the United States through a review of policy documents and reports prepared for and by the US security sector. The paper draws upon the ideas of constructivist schools of security studies to provide an analytical framework for understanding the meaning of the securitization process as it has occurred in the United States. It then reflects upon the adequacy of those frameworks to interpret the securitization of climate change. In the US, new knowledge of the phenomenon of climate change was first constructed in the research sector, in the fields of meteorology and atmospheric science. Environmental and Earth sciences then became a locus of research, and climate change first entered security discourse as a topic of environmental protection. As the implications of climate change and its potential impact on water resources, food production, diseases, infrastructure, and human migration came to the attention of the security sector, this knowledge stimulated an internal discourse, where each new document functioned both as a new securitization statement and as a policy response to prior documents in a chain of discourse. Actors in this securitization process included not only “speakers” making a securitization claim (knowledge claim) and “audiences” that accept or reject a claim. Importantly, it also included actors who were instrumental in translating knowledge between research and security sectors. This brief consideration suggests that social science theories that center on practice are more robust than those that center on discourse for interpreting the securitization of climate change. Improved analytic frameworks need to better account for actors whose role is to transfer and translate knowledge from one sector to another.

,KeyWords:null,EKeyWords:4851,3896,57671,8119,398108,SubjectWords:null,LiteratureId:9434021,Fileref:null,OrderFlag:0,IsLeaf:N,PubDate:null,FindDate:null,IssueDate:null,DocType:null,ProductSeries:null,Doi:null,InstanceID:0,MinNodeSearch:Y,XmlID:b120161201X20161744001_000_005,Prop1:null,Prop2:null,Prop3:null,prop4:null,AddUser:wanghan,AddTime:2018-02-11 08:41:05.0,ModifyUser:null,ModifyTime:2018-02-11 09:12:46.0,HitCount:4,ShowType:putong,LogoID:0,PdfID:9434023,DownCount:4,AuthorInfos:{"J. Scott Hauger":{"Address":"","Affiliation":"","Email":"","Role":null,"Photo":null,"Blurb":"

Dr. Hauger is a Professor at the Daniel K. Inouye Asia Pacific Center for Security Studies. The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not reflect the official policy or position of DKI APCSS, the US Department of Defense, or the US government.

"}},BookPublishDate:2016-12-01 00:00:00.0,SearchTitle:Climate Change and the US Security Sector: the Securitization of Climate Change,ISBN:978-7-5201-0044-1,BookTitle:International Security Studies Volume 2, Number 2, Winter 2016,BookStatus:6,AllowDownload:Y,BookVersionNum:null,researchorg:null,CopyRightDate:null,ExcellentPeriod:null,PrizeLevel:null,IsExcellence:null,ContentClass:null,IsDisabled:N,SearchTitle_2:Climate Change and the US Security Sector: the Securitization of Climate Change,_RowNo:5
CommonID:DIR_50523181,ID:9434025,SiteID:14,Type:chapter,Code:null,ParentId:0,InnerCode:342454,name:Reform of International Monetary System and Construction of Global Monetary Security Mechanism: Connections and Problems,ShortName:,SubName:,EnTitle:,EnShortTitle:,EnSubTitle:,Level:0,BookId:9433999,AbstractCH:,AbstractEN:

The international monetary system is the basis to establishing a comprehensive global financial safety mechanism. To understand the internal connections between the reform of the international monetary system and the global safety mechanism has important policy implications. The reform of the international monetary system and the construction of the global safety network are inherently related to each other. Risk management and crisis response are the functions of the international monetary system and serve to ensure the safety of the global financial system; liquidity management and international exchange rate coordination are conducive to the maintenance of the stability of the global financial system. International exchange rate coordination, the control of spillover effect of US monetary policies and the reform of governance structures of the international monetary system contribute to global financial safety. However, the reform of the international monetary system and the establishment of the global financial safety mechanism are faced with problems such as Triffin Dilemma, the technical shortcomings of global financial system, the ill coordination of global and regional financial security network and the growing number of political issues involved. In order to build a sound global financial safety system, cooperation should be enhanced in the following five aspects: to promote the reform of the Bretton Woods institutions; to build the global financial safety network; to establish the liquidity management system; to facilitate the construction of the super sovereign currency; and to deepen regional monetary cooperation.

,KeyWords:null,EKeyWords:28894,398109,398110,SubjectWords:null,LiteratureId:9434024,Fileref:null,OrderFlag:0,IsLeaf:N,PubDate:null,FindDate:null,IssueDate:null,DocType:null,ProductSeries:null,Doi:null,InstanceID:0,MinNodeSearch:Y,XmlID:b120161201X20161744001_000_006,Prop1:null,Prop2:null,Prop3:null,prop4:null,AddUser:wanghan,AddTime:2018-02-11 08:41:06.0,ModifyUser:null,ModifyTime:2018-02-11 09:12:46.0,HitCount:2,ShowType:putong,LogoID:0,PdfID:9434026,DownCount:4,AuthorInfos:{"ZHENG Liansheng":{"Address":"","Affiliation":"","Email":"","Role":null,"Photo":"","Blurb":""},"ZHANG Ming":{"Address":"","Affiliation":"","Email":"","Role":null,"Photo":"","Blurb":""}},BookPublishDate:2016-12-01 00:00:00.0,SearchTitle:Reform of International Monetary System and Construction of Global Monetary Security Mechanism: Connections and Problems,ISBN:978-7-5201-0044-1,BookTitle:International Security Studies Volume 2, Number 2, Winter 2016,BookStatus:6,AllowDownload:Y,BookVersionNum:null,researchorg:null,CopyRightDate:null,ExcellentPeriod:null,PrizeLevel:null,IsExcellence:null,ContentClass:null,IsDisabled:N,SearchTitle_2:Reform of International Monetary System and Construction of Global Monetary Security Mechanism: Connections and Problems,_RowNo:6
CommonID:DIR_50523213,ID:9434028,SiteID:14,Type:chapter,Code:null,ParentId:0,InnerCode:342455,name:On Value Security and the Overall National Security System50367395,ShortName:,SubName:,EnTitle:,EnShortTitle:,EnSubTitle:,Level:0,BookId:9433999,AbstractCH:,AbstractEN:

The universality of human nature determines the universality of values and its particularity determines the diversity and plurality of values that is the fundamental determinant of security problems among different value systems. In a narrow sense, value security refers to a situation in which value concepts of a state, region, or a nation, social class are not under threat from the external adversaries, which is called conceptual value security. In a broad sense, value security refers to the consistency between the system of realistic value security and that of conceptual value security. National value security encompasses both value security in a nation-state and security of national values, in which the former is featured by the recognition and acceptance of a prevailing value in a nation-state, and the latter is characterized by the sovereignty of national values. Due to the fact that the issue of value system is a meta-theoretical one and the security of conceptual value system is part of cultural security, value security holds a core position in cultural security and is an important component of overall national security system. Additionally, value security embodies the security of value pursuits and value criteria in different spheres of the overall national security system and therefore, it is also an indispensable and flexible support to the overall national security.

,KeyWords:null,EKeyWords:398111,27630,325500,398112,SubjectWords:null,LiteratureId:9434027,Fileref:null,OrderFlag:0,IsLeaf:N,PubDate:null,FindDate:null,IssueDate:null,DocType:null,ProductSeries:null,Doi:null,InstanceID:0,MinNodeSearch:Y,XmlID:b120161201X20161744001_000_007,Prop1:null,Prop2:null,Prop3:null,prop4:null,AddUser:wanghan,AddTime:2018-02-11 08:41:06.0,ModifyUser:null,ModifyTime:2018-02-11 09:12:46.0,HitCount:2,ShowType:putong,LogoID:0,PdfID:9434029,DownCount:4,AuthorInfos:{"LIAO Xiaoping":{"Address":"","Affiliation":"","Email":"","Role":null,"Photo":null,"Blurb":"

Liao Xiaoping, Professor, Doctoral Supervisor, and President of Central South University of Forestry and Technology.

"},"SUN Huan":{"Address":"","Affiliation":"","Email":"","Role":null,"Photo":null,"Blurb":"

Sun Huan, Lecturer at Central South University of Forestry and Technology.

"}},BookPublishDate:2016-12-01 00:00:00.0,SearchTitle:Value Security and the Overall National Security System,ISBN:978-7-5201-0044-1,BookTitle:International Security Studies Volume 2, Number 2, Winter 2016,BookStatus:6,AllowDownload:Y,BookVersionNum:null,researchorg:null,CopyRightDate:null,ExcellentPeriod:null,PrizeLevel:null,IsExcellence:null,ContentClass:null,IsDisabled:N,SearchTitle_2:Value Security and the Overall National Security System,_RowNo:7
CommonID:DIR_50523217,ID:9434031,SiteID:14,Type:backAidText,Code:null,ParentId:0,InnerCode:342456,name:Notice to Contributors,ShortName:,SubName:,EnTitle:null,EnShortTitle:null,EnSubTitle:null,Level:0,BookId:9433999,AbstractCH:null,AbstractEN:null,KeyWords:null,EKeyWords:null,SubjectWords:null,LiteratureId:9434030,Fileref:null,OrderFlag:0,IsLeaf:Y,PubDate:null,FindDate:null,IssueDate:null,DocType:null,ProductSeries:null,Doi:null,InstanceID:0,MinNodeSearch:null,XmlID:null,Prop1:null,Prop2:null,Prop3:null,prop4:null,AddUser:wanghan,AddTime:2018-02-11 08:41:06.0,ModifyUser:null,ModifyTime:2018-02-11 09:12:46.0,HitCount:0,ShowType:putong,LogoID:0,PdfID:0,DownCount:0,AuthorInfos:null,BookPublishDate:2016-12-01 00:00:00.0,SearchTitle:Notice to Contributors,ISBN:978-7-5201-0044-1,BookTitle:International Security Studies Volume 2, Number 2, Winter 2016,BookStatus:6,AllowDownload:Y,BookVersionNum:null,researchorg:null,CopyRightDate:null,ExcellentPeriod:null,PrizeLevel:null,IsExcellence:null,ContentClass:null,IsDisabled:N,SearchTitle_2:Notice to Contributors,_RowNo:8