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张雅桦: 女,北京师范大学社会发展与公共政策学院博士,现任北京社会管理职业学院民政管理系讲师。主要研究方向为社会福利与社会政策,儿童保护制度。在国内外杂志上发表过多篇关于儿童保护制度的文章,参与多项部委课题。博士论文曾获通用·中国发展研究基金会博士论文奖学金。

尚晓援: 北京师范大学儿童福利中心教授(退休),澳大利亚新南威尔士大学社会政策研究中心高级研究员,英国Sussex大学博士。著有《寻找公民社会》(合著,牛津大学出版社)、《冲击与变革》(中国社会科学出版社)、《中国社会保护体制改革研究》(中国劳动社会保障出版社)、《中国弱势儿童群体保护制度》(社会科学文献出版社)等。主持了由联合国儿童基金会资助的第一次大规模的中国儿童福利院调查等多项调查。获澳大利亚外交部澳中委员会2003年人权奖,2003年获民政部重点课题一等奖,2006年获北京市社会科学研究一等奖。 Xiaoyuan Shang (PhD,University of Sussex) Dr. Shang Xiaoyuan is a Senior Research Fellow in the Social Policy Research Centre,University of New South Wales,and Professor in the Child Welfare Centre,Beijing Normal University. She is widely acknowledged to be a leading international expert in the study of social welfare provision to vulnerable children in China. In 2003,she was awarded the Alice Tay Human Rights Award by Australia-China Council for her significant contribution to improving the understanding of child rights in China. Her main publication includes In Search of Civil Society:Market Reform and Social Change in Contemporary China (Oxford University Press,co-authored),China’s System of Social Support to Vulnerable Children (Social Sciences Academic Press),The Reforms of China's Social Protection System (China Labour and Social Security Press),and Impacts and Transition:The Development of China’s Civil Society Organizations (China Social Science Press).
