

图1 我们为什么需要全球低碳转型


图2 全球转型


图3 在与全球变暖2℃的目标相容的情况下向大气排放的温室气体


图4 为何本次转型是全球的大转型


图5 技术革命


图6 五个好消息与五个挑战




图7 气温上升6℃和2℃的地球系统

图8 风力发电和沙漠中的电力与能源结构


图9 成本价格收敛

图10 德国20世纪70年代建成的房子




图11 转型策略


图12 从高碳社会转型到低碳社会

图13 推动低碳转型的三个重要机制





学生甲:首先,非常感谢教授,非常感谢您的演讲。我有一个问题。您提到未来的地球温室气体排放碳预算是750 Gtons。我在潘教授的建议下做了一些碳预算的提案工作。基于我的计算,这个数字相对于现实过于保守。您知道一些自然科学家计算出这个值为1000 Gtons,或更高的1400 Gtons。您知道在未来10~20年,没有基础技术和政策支持,我认为750 Gtons是不可能的。那么对于这个问题您有什么看法?还有,关于未来低碳转型的碳预算方案您有什么看法?这是我的问题。谢谢您!


关于如何分配预算,这是一个司法问题。司法问题是非常重要的。而我们所关注的是现在有多少Gtons可用,我们通过计算自然科学家给出的数据,得出未来四十年750 Gtons和2摄氏度目标兼容的可能性达到67%。如果你把可能性降到50%,我们可以做到这一点,当然,这是一个高风险的游戏。如果你这样做,我们最高可把结果估至1200 Gtons。转型仍然是个挑战。这样更为容易,但你将面临更高的风险。更高的风险意味着接下来可能升温3摄氏度。当然,我们在中国和全球范围内的投资将会有更高的风险。所以我们需要权衡。它关乎风险,是一个概率性问题。它关乎我们认为转型的速率。无论事实怎样,到21世纪下半叶,温室气体的预算将会非常小。在你我的计算中,我们讨论的200 Gtons或300 Gtons是关乎于21世纪下半叶的。因此在下一个40~50年,它需要通过一条非常激进的途径来降低我们的碳排放量。我们所思考的是从技术层面上的演示,这是基于我们现在所知道的与所能做到的。从财务的角度看,它是可能的。我想补充一点,现在各个国家才是该过程的先驱,需要注意在这一过程中积累经济优势。



迪尔克·梅斯纳:非常感谢你的这个问题,这是一个非常重要的事情,也是一个很难回答的问题。两周前,我们与德国的丹尼斯·梅多斯(Dennis Meadows)开了一个会议。我不知道你是否知道他的名字。丹尼斯·梅多斯是《增长的极限》的作者。他是个70岁的老先生。40年前,也就是1972年,他写了一份《增长的极限》研讨会工作记录。作为第一位真正专注于此类问题的科学家,他提到“想象一个拥有日益增长人口的世界变得越来越富裕并永远发展”。同时,他的回答是“我认为这是不可能的”。我的答案与他的有一些不同。我认为世界上仍然存在一天收入低于2美元的人。所以发展对于他们来说,财富的创造是必然的。在这个社会上,我们确实存在一些年收入在1500~3000或4000美元之间的人群,仅仅通过有组织的地区性分配来调节并不足够。因此,贫穷国家的增长仍然是绝对必要的。但我们需要做的是,通过控制碳排放相关自然资源的使用来调节这种增长。这是我们所面临的挑战,需要思考这样操作的可能性。我认为对于我们较为富裕的工业化社会,情况有所不同。在这种社会,人们对于一定水平增长的依赖逐渐减小。你可能知道,德国的人均年收入大约是35000欧元。他们并不显得比月收入2000~3000美元的人更为富裕或更为幸运。因此,对于高收入水平国家,增长的问题不同于贫穷国家,重要的是低碳方面的挑战。我们有很多部门不消耗原材料。这是我们所需要分享的增长模式。















Dirk Messner:And now,before I do so,I would like to explain to you what this acronym is —WBGU is meaning.This is the Germany Advisory Council on Global Change.So this is my second job to say,so I am the direct of German Development Institute located in the west part of Germany.At the same time,I am the vice-chair of the German Advisory Council on Global Change.This Germany Advisory Council on Global Change works together or works is based on corporation between 9 important institutions in Germany which work in the field of global challenges and global sustainable development.So there are 9 directors and 9 institutions together,we do advice for the German government.We are the climate advisors to the government.We work on energy issues,and other important global change dynamics.For example,the urbanization is one of our most important issues that we are current focusing on.The issue I am going to talk about to you today is about the great transformation towards a (global) low carbon economy.The lecture which I am giving is based on the study,a comprehensive study,which is titled World in Transition:Social Contract for Sustainability,so what I am talking about now is being written down on 450 pages in this report.It was the contribution of the German academic community towards Rio,2012.We will remember the great and big international conference in Rio,which has been focusing on green development and sustainable development.So this has been German contribution to Rio.For those you are interested to get one of these books,please give the names if this is fine with you,Pan Jinhua.Give the name to professor Pan,and all of you will get the report,if you are interested in this.We can organize this afterwards.

OK.So let’s start.I have organized my lecture for the next one,one and half hour around four big issues.The first issue I am going to concentrate on is the low carbon transformation.How fast do we need this kind of low carbon transformation from a global perspective?And why do we call it a great transformation?Because you have seen that I have talked the title about the great transformation towards low carbon economy.So how fast and why great transformation.Then I will go on to our second issue and I will ask the question whether we can manage this kind of transformation and how we can solve the problems. And I will come up with 5 good news.So 5 drivers of the transformation which we see already in place.But we also focus on 5 major challenges and barriers,because it is a difficult transformation and we also need to know the barriers in order to be not too naive when we drive the this transformation forward.The third issue here is the question which sector are the most important one in our economy when we reflect on the global transformation towards low carbon.I will focus on energy,on urbanization and on land use.Then the forth point is about the major drivers of the low carbon transformation.It is about core revolutionary processes.It is about tipping point the global economy towards low carbon development. And it is about something which we called a social contract for sustainability.So this is what I am going to talk about. And for all of those who are interested in all this kind of slides,the book is available.I will send to you afterward,if you are interested.

So let’s start with the question great transformation,global transformation how fast.My first sight here is about why we need a global low carbon transformation. And I got a citation here form Michael Spence.Michael Spence is an American U.S economist.He got a Nobel economy award several years ago,and in the World Bank conference one and a half years ago,he stated the following:“We simply cannot scale up existing growth patterns in the global new economy.” I think this is exactly what we have to need in mind we simply cannot scale up for physical reasons the existing growth patterns in the new global economy. And why isn’t it impossible?It is because that we are going to be 9 billion people in 2050.We are going to triple the global GDP from US$60 trillion in 2010 to US$180 trillion in 2030 to 2040.We do have huge growing middle classes in global economy.If these new global middle classes go the business as usual growth pattern and consumption pattern,we will not be able to organize the sustainability in the global context.Regarding to the global middle classes,I would like to ask you to look at this diagram here,this table on the right side. And the data are showing the following.I will give the data for the global middle classes in 1990(it was not here on the graph,but I will give you the numbers in 1990),now the current situation,then towards the 2030.So global middle classes,these are people defined by United Nations statistics,with a per-capital income between US$4000 and US$40000.So if you look at the group into the global economy,in 1990,only twenty years ago,1.3 billion people belonging to the middle classes,80% of those living in OECD countries in western industrialized countries.Only 20% of those global middle classes living in non-western countries.So have a look at the numbers in 2009.This is a current situation more or less.What you can see here is that now we do have 1.8 billion global middle classes in the global economy,50% of these 1.8 billion people are still living in OECD countries,but 50% are already living in non-OECD countries.This is very good,because this implies that non-OECD countries,developing countries are now developing fast,and are growing.So the income is growing,which is very good.But from the perspective of sustainability,of course,this implies this new growth which is emerging now driven by the new global middle classes needs to be sustainable.If we go business as usual,high carbon,high resource-intensive,we will not sustain in the planet boundaries.If you look towards 2030,this is not so far away.When I am looking at the auditorium here,most of you are in the twenties and earlier thirties,this is much part of your future,2030. And 2030,we will have,as you can see here,around 4.8 billion people call global middle class people.More or less 5 billion people.Are 80% of them will be living in the non- OECD countries.Only 20% of those will be living in the OECD countries.This is a huge shift.From eighty twenty OECD countries middle class people non-OECD countries middle class people only 20 years ago to 2030 at time at which 80%,now the new global middle classes people will live beyond OECD.This is a huge shift.The global economy is changing radically.From the sustainability perspective,this is very important,because this implies that the formula which we have been used in Rio one in 1992,you might remember,this was a very big conference on sustainable development 20 years ago.The idea in 1992 was that the OECD countries actually they can solve the sustainable issues,and afterwards non-OECD countries can copy that.The situation is different now,because the growth is coming from the non-OECD countries.The global middle classes are living in non-OECD countries now in their majority.This implies that OECD countries and emerging economy,emerging powers,like China,India,Brazil,and South Africa.At the same time in parallel,we need to move towards a global sustainable economy,a low carbon economy.Because if we would see,these new middle classes are growing up based on high carbon growth,we are not able to limit global warming by 2 degree,which is the target we all agreed on international carbon negotiation.So this is why we need a global low carbon transformation,not only a low carbon transformation in several countries around the world.We need a global low carbon transformation in the major economy around the world,and China is obviously one of the major drivers in this field.

This is the second slide which talks about the global transformation.What you can see here on the left side is a graph which is demonstrating the planetary boundaries—the physical and chemical and biological planetary boundaries.The scientists can explain to us now much better than 15 or 20 years ago,how the space looks like,in which we can organize creation in the global economy.We know the planetary boundaries now.The important challenge for all of us is to develop a growth pattern,to develop a wealth concept within these planetary boundaries.We need to accept these planetary boundaries because those are physical ones.If we move beyond those planetary boundaries,we will run in the second graph in the right side,we will run into several tipping points in the earth system.If we move towards 3 or 4 or even higher degree of global warming,we might see a collapse of monsoon in Asia,a collapse of the Amazon forests in Latin America,and an irreversible trend of melting down of the Greenland ice-shied in the Arctic.Tipping points in the earth system,this implies that if we don’t stay with our wealth concept and our growth pattern,if we don’t stay within the planetary boundaries,we will create during the next decade a new earth system.I think that this point is still not well understood in most of our society,beyond our science communities.When I talk to people,the citizens in my own country,they all understand that global warming is something that we should stop and should try to manage well,but few people understand that if we no move forward our business as usual,what we are doing is we are going to change the basic patterns of earth system as such.This is very strong message.

So these are reasons why we need to organize this global low carbon transformation.What we did here and what I demonstrated with this slide is how much greenhouse gas emissions we still can emit in the global atmosphere,which are still compatible within 2 degree Cels to the global warming target.This is what agreed all because scientists are arguing and natural scientists,climate scientists are arguing that beyond 2 degree Cels,we are running into serious problems.So what does this mean for the global warming budget,for the global greenhouse gas budget?Still available?We are coming up and we have been cooperating this exercise with Professor Pan and also his team to develop a very similar budget approach,so how big is the budget,the greenhouse gas budget,still available for us within these 2 degree Cels corridor.We came up with the number,which tells us between today and 2050 we can still emit as global society:750Gt of greenhouse gases.If we do that,with the probability of 67% we will stay within the 2 degree Cels corridor.You might ask me why aren’t you going with the probability of 100% towards the 2 °C target. And the answer is that if we do this with a 100% complete security just let us say so to move towards the 2 degree Cels,the budget will be so small that we cannot organize the global transformation.So there is also a certain risk,750 Gt.How much is 750Gt?If you would be able to stablize the greenhouse emissions on the current levels,this budget will be exhausted during the next 20 years to come. And this implies that budget is small.The budget in which we need to organize our growth patterns,our wealth concept is small.This is why we talk about a great transformation.It is not an easy thing to do.It is a major structure change which implies for our economy.The next step is that we calculated different peaking years regarding the global greenhouse gas emissions.So we calculated the peaking situation for the greenhouse gas emissions in 2011,the green curve here,in 2015 and 2020. And you can see the following,if we would have peaked in 2011(and we did not as you know),we would have needed to reduce the global emissions each year by 3.7% to stay in 750Gt.3.7% is something which is imaginable.If you have been working on labor productivity,energy efficiency gains,3.7% per year is something we can organize.We have seen this kind of efficiency gains in many other sectors.You,in China,you are a master;you are a pioneer in organizing this kind of efficiency gains.3.7% is possible.What you can see also is that if we would peaked in 2020,so only 8 years’ time,we would need to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions annually by 9%.This is very challenging.It might be impossible.So the important message here is with this slide we are under big time pressure,I would be much less nervous in term of organizing a low carbon transformation,if we would not be under such a high time pressure.You’ve seen that I am very optimistic in terms of technology available,institutions which we need,how to do it,the time pressure is very important.We need to peak during the next year to come.This is why the climate negotiations are so important. And it seems so frustrating because we are not moving rapidly.But on other hand,many economy,the investments in all these areas are improving.China is the most important investor in low carbon technology currently.German is the second.We are two important countries in the process.So peaking is important.When we peak,we are under the time pressure.

So I have been calling this low carbon transformation a great transformation.A great transformation.There are the comparisons,regarding other great transformation in history of human mankind.We have been through the history of human mankind and we argued that this transformation towards a low carbon economy reducing radically greenhouse gas emissions and afterwards,the use of resources during the next decade to come.This new situation,creation of wealth within the planetary boundaries is only comparable to 2 big other great transformations in the history of human mankind. And these two other great transformation are the Neolithic revolution,10000 years ago.You know 10000 years ago,human invented agriculture,we started to build villages,we moved beyond the hunt-and-gather pattern of human civilization.This was the Neolithic Revolution.It was a big shift in human history.In these times,we were only several millions people on earth.Human mankind was small,10000 years ago.The second big great transformation from the global perspective was the Industrial Revolution,Industrial Revolution started more or less 250 years ago.In these days,we have been 1 billion people on the earth from server million to 1 billion people on earth.The second transformation of human mankind was based on the energy revolution,because it was driven by fossil fuel.The agricultural society beforehand has been based on the energy of animals.On the animals and on the energy of us as human being working,the peasants,on the agriculture pattern. And based on burning wood.This was the pre-industrial era.Industrial Revolution was driven by energy revolution.It was driven by fossil fuels.This was the second big transformation in human history. And the third big transformation now is this one.We need to make again an energy transformation,because we need to move out of the fossil driven global energy system.We need to bring the greenhouse gas emissions to a stop.We need to organize our development within the 750Gt budget,within the planetary boundaries.With 9 billion people becoming richer,this is the challenge which we are confronted with during the next decade to come. And as we have been seeing,we are under time pressure.There is one very important difference between this great transformation,the low carbon and sustainability transformation and the other 2 big transformations that we already moved through,the Neolithic revolution and the Industrial revolution.The big difference is that the first 2 big transformations have been evolutions.They have been evolving.No one has been organizing the Neolithic revolution.It emerged.No one has been organizing the Industrial revolution.It came up.Now this,the third transformation,the low carbon sustainability transformation needs to be managed.It needs to be politically guided.We need to make this kind of transformation.We will now run out of high carbon era by evolution.We need to organize it.Policy matters,institutions matter.Incentives are important.This great transformation needs to be manmade.It cannot be evolution driven.It’s need to be manmade.This is a very important difference.

This is the last slide regarding the question why the global transformation and why do I talk about a great transformation.There is a new debate in the global science community. And it is about the era of the anthropocene.It has been driven by Paul Krutzen;some of you might know his name.He is coming from chemistry,so he is natural scientist.If you don’t know his name,you do know what he has been observing is the first scientist on earth,because he has observed the ozone hole in the atmosphere was growing and growing and growing.This is what he got noble prize for.Paul Krutzen and other natural scientists are pushing forward a new debate on sustainable development because they are arguing that we are current in a situation,probably since the end of 20 century,for the last 2 or 3 decades.We are in the situation in which for the first time in the history of the earth system.It is the first time during the 4.5 billion years history of the earth system as such (as we know our history as human mankind,as homo sapien history is only 0.22 million years).Now we are talking about the earth system era.So for the first time in the earth system era,this is the argument of Paul Krutzen:human mankind is the strongest geological force in the earth’s system as such.This is a very strong argument,because till very recently,what we have been arguing is that the earth system is driven by physics;it’s driven by natural science and laws.We,as human beings,are as a part of that;we are living on the earth.Maybe we are destroying several forests and polluting several oceans,but we cannot influence the dynamic of the earth system as such.This is too big for humans.But the data are telling different stories,you know.Data are telling that since the end of the 20 century,human beings are now the strongest geological force in the earth’s system.This is a very important observation,because this implies that human mankind is now responsible to drive the earth’s system.We are making a new earth’s system,if we move forward business as usual,high carbon and high resource efficient growth.So there are several implications I do have on the right handside:we need to learn,as a global community,to drive the earth’s system.We need to manage the global commons:the oceans,the forests,and the atmosphere.We need institutions for that. And as you know,international corporation.We are struggling with this kind of managing the global commons.So we need norms and values for that.I think we need to understand that to manage the earth’s system,to drive it in a sustainable way;we need to perceive the human mankind as something like world sight.This is one of the consequences.Secondly,we need I already said we need to invents and implements a raise model,a raise concept,a growth pattern for billion people within the limits of the earth’s system. And third,we need to manage very different time scales as human beings.We,as human beings,are not very good in managing long term perspectives.Maybe,you in China,you are better organized in this respect.In western society,short-term is very very strong,in the economy or political system.We need to think long-term because wow we need to reflect on the long-term dynamic of the earth’s system as such and we can change those systems.We can change the dynamic of the earth’s system,so we need to think much more long-term,intergenerational dynamics and intergenerational prosperity,is something we need to have in mind.My hope is that the society with the long culture history.China is obviously one of the societies,may help us to do so,because we need to learn that.We are probably in the era of the anthropocene.

I found this slide you are seeing here only some months ago. And I found it incredibly interesting and this is why I want to show it to you.It is from a US economist,Mr.Fugel,who is now already 93 years I found this slide several month ago and called him.He was 92 years he still works at his university.He got the Nobel Prize for doing research on innovations which do have global impact,and what came out of his kind of research was which something very similar to our thinking:the three big transformations,the Neolithic revolution,the industrial revolution,and afterwards now,the sustainability revolution.So what you can see here is the first big transformation which are already talked about. And what Mr.Fogel,the economist,is demonstrating is the following:we have the Neolithic revolution more or less 10 000 years ago. And what he is showing is that during the next thousands of years to come up with the Neolithic revolution,human mankind had this kind of big innovations which impacted the human mankind as such in the rhythm of more of less 1000 years.So every thousand years,one very big innovation.Human mankind invented cities,mathematics,the agricultural revolution and the printing press.Without the printing press,there is no science;there is no industrial revolution;there is no development.So big innovations in a rhythm of 1000 years.

And then the industrial revolution started.About 250 years ago.What you can see here industrial revolution is being driven by acceleration of innovation processes.Fogel is finding every 30 to 40 years now,very big innovations.Very big innovations.So the industrial revolution has been the acceleration of innovation processes.This is being the second big transformation.

And now the third big transformation,the low carbon transformation,is in front of us. And again we need the acceleration of innovations to make the low carbon transformation within the planetary boundaries,and within this 750Gt budget possible. And the question is whether we will be able to organize those under the global scale.This is what I am moving towards.

We studied many other transformations.We studied the industrial revolution in China which started at the end of 1970s.The acceleration of growth in China and the structural change in China.We studied this structural adjustment program in Latin America in 1990s.We studied the emergence of EU 60 years ago.So transformations which are not big transformations.I said there were only two big transformations beforehand.But relevant significant transformations because we look at drivers for transformation.What can we learn from the past regarding drivers of these kind of transformations?What is driving these kinds of transformations,what is driving these kinds of social and economic changes?And we found four major drivers of transformation.I think these four major drivers are also very important and relevant for the current great transformation to low carbon sustainability.These four drivers are the following:

The first one is vision.Vision for a better future,normative perspectives.If you would like really to change system,now towards a low carbon sustainability,you need to know where to go.You need to be able to describe where you would like to move the old system towards.You need a vision.We have two big and interesting transformations which we discussed in our report here to demonstrate how important visions are.We discussed abolishing slavery driven by vision,100 years ago globally.We described the emerging of EU which was driven by vision also.Visions are important to make great transformations possible.

The second one is very easy to understand.It is about technology.Rapid diffusion of innovations.If now we move to low carbon,we need many of these innovations,low carbon innovations,in many sectors. And the diffusion of the innovations is very important.How to organize this.The IT revolution is one of the revolutions in the past which started 30 years ago,which change so many parts of the system of the global economy.Now we need low carbon and sustainability innovations.

The third driver of transformations are very often crisis.We,as human beings,we start changing patterns when we are confronted with serious challenges because changing patterns and innovation is difficult for societies,for economies,for private firms,for public firms,for us individuals.So being confronted with crisis,we change patterns.We started to reorganize the global financial markets after the crisis,the financial crisis in 2008.So crisis are important drivers of transformation processes.This time,talking about the climate challenge,we need transformation before we drive into serious problems.Because scientists can demonstrate to us that if we run into a 4 degree warmer world,the impact of climate change will be so huge,tipping point the earth’s system that we would have to manage irreversible trends in our natural environment.We might not be able to manage that.We might run to serious international problems.So we have to avoid this third element of transformation.The forth element of transformation is knowledge.If we understand that we do have a problem in our societies,in the global economy,this knowledge can help us to change polices,institutions,incentives,growth patterns.Knowledge driven transformation.What we need to organize now in this global transformation towards low carbon is a transformation pattern based on vision,on technology and on our knowledge.We should avoid the crisis.

So where so we stand in the global low carbon transformations?Because we argued that the low carbon transformation is not starting this morning.It already started in China,in Europe,worldwide,actually several decades ago.It started with these debates on serious resources constrains 30,40 years ago.The discussion is not new where we stand now. And as I said in the beginning,5 major good news and 5 major challenges which we find very important.Let’s start with the good news because to make a transformation,you need to be optimistic,and you need to know where to go.But in order to avoid to be?You should know the barriers and challenges also because there are challenges.There are many win-win constellations but there are also many big challenges.We need to know the challenges also.So let’s start with the good news.The facts are that we show on the left side.I should explain this strange diagram to you.This is something which the physicists in our group have been painting down.What we can see here is that this is the current situation.Our societies are here.We are in a comfortable situation still.We do have a growth.We do have innovation.It is not necessary to change now before because the crisis is still not there,the climate crisis.We are still now have the 3,4 degrees plus.We are at more or less a comfortable situation.We could maintain the situation for the next 2 or 3 decades to come.Then we need to change by crisis.But currently it is not necessary.So we need to organize some efforts to move towards a low carbon society,and reduce the low carbon emissions.Efforts are necessary.

So where we stand?The five good news are following:the first important good news is that we did an energy and technology assessment and we found that the low carbon technologies needed are already there and in place or we know how to develop them.This is very important because you would like to solve a high carbon situation go low carbon but technologies are not there.You cannot solve the problem.Technologically,we cannot solve the problem.This is a very important message.

The second important message is that we can finance the transformation.It would not drive us into a financial crisis when we do this transformation.All the data are demonstrating that we need to invest more or less 2% to 2.5% of the global GDP into the low carbon transformation,to make the transformation possible.2.5% of the global GDP is not a small money.It’s not little money.It is a lot of money.But we can finance 2.5% of the global GDP to make the transformation possible.I will give you a national example from my own background.As you know,we re-unificated the two parts of Germany starting in 1989.During the last 20 years after the unification,we in Germany invested 7% of our national GDP in the reunification process,so in infrastructure and investing in house,in different parts of the re-unificated Germany.We invested several percent in this project.We had a vision.We need to re-unificate our country.We need these investments,so 7%.What we need to do globally is 2.5%.We can finance that.

The third important message is we observed and we did study about that,and we gathered materials about that.We found that in many societies,and China is one of those,the values of people are changing towards sustainability.The green discourse,the sustainability discourse has been a minority discourse 20 years ago in many countries,in most countries.This is different now.People understand that the sustainability issue is not something that is luxury.People understand that it is a part of wellbeing,so there is shift in norms and values.The forth element which we do have in terms of favor factures is that we do have global networks in place,to learn much faster internationally than ever before in human history.This has to do with internet.This has to do with our mail systems.We can learn and diffuse knowledge and our innovation now much faster than ever before.This is very important because we are,as I said,under the time pressure. And the last element here is that if we go towards low carbon,there are many co-benefits because if we reduce greenhouse gas emissions,this is also about reducing pollution,about health,about investing in new innovation areas,about innovation and employment,about new patterns of growth.I think there is currently no other convincing growth story worldwide than the low carbon sustainability story.It’s about a new model economic innovation.So there are many co-benefits.

But there are also barriers and major challenges which we need to know. And I would like to focus on these 5 points here.The first one is the about the path dependencies.What does this mean?In our societies,we do have different types of path dependencies,technology path dependencies,for example.Our economies around the world are currently still based on fossil driven energy systems,so this is the technology that dominance.It is not so easy to change the technological patterns.You need to know how for that.You need to new technology for that.You need to rebuild your systems.Technological path dependencies are very strong.But there are also path dependencies in political sense.We do have one chapter in our report here which is titled Is Politics Stupid?This implies that in a high carbon economy when you start to organize the transformation towards low carbon,you do have many high carbon industries,and firms,and sectors and political coalitions around them,which imply political path dependencies.So we need to overcome the political path dependencies also. And then on the individual level,there are also path dependencies.John Mendes Keynes,who you all might know well,he once wrote down a very important sentence:“It is actually very easy to develop new concepts and ideas.The really difficult thing is to forget the old ones.” We have to overcome this kind of path dependencies,because last 250 years the raise of all our nations is being built on this old development model which is no longer sustainable..We need to change a very successful develop pattern.This is difficult.This is about path dependencies.The time frame is very tight.I already talked about that.This is the second barrier we have to change.The third barriers is that currently global cooperation is very difficult to organize but we need a global transformation process.We need to cooperate much more between our societies to make climate negotiation successful.But we are stuck in many cooperation blocks currently.I will come back to this point at the end of my presentation.Global cooperation is currently difficult.The forth point is rapid urbanization globally.You know that currently 3 billion people are living in the urban areas.In 2050,6 billion people will live in urban areas.Professor Pan and his institute is focusing exactly on this kind of challenge,urbanization challenges. And you also know 60%-70% of global greenhouse gas emissions are coming from cities.Cities are growing.Emissions are coming from these new cities.If we do build business as usual cities for the next decade to come,from 3 billion people living in urban areas to 6 billion people,the development within the 2 degree corridor is absolutely impossible.Urbanization needs to be low carbon,and we are under time pressure. And the last point is that from a climate perspective,it’s very unfortunate that we do have a lot of cheap coal available in many countries.From the climate perspective,this is a huge challenge.We are not running out of the high carbon growth era because we are running out of coal.There is a lot of coal around.But we need to shift towards low carbon prosperity.

So my next step is the question that which are the most important sectors which we need to focus on to make low carbon development possible. And the answer is that there are three major sectors which we need to focus on to make the low carbon transformation possible. And these are the 3 sectors.

Above you see is the global energy sector,which is responsible for 70%,75% of the global greenhouse gas emissions.So the low carbon transformation is about how we organize our energy sectors in the future.The second important sector is land use,because 25% of our global emissions are coming from land use.2 dynamics are important,when I talk about the land use.The first part is the forests.As you know,the forests are absorbing greenhouse gases.If we cut them down and destroy them,more greenhouse gases are coming into the atmosphere.So protecting forests is a part of the land use story.The other part of land use story,which is responsible for 25% of greenhouse gas global emissions is agriculture.How we organize agriculture?We can do agriculture high carbon,and we can do it low carbon.We do it high carbon.I will go into the energy sector in a minute,but I would like to focus on two or three sentences on the agriculture part,because in the energy sector we are making a lot of progresses in terms of energy efficiency gains and even carbon efficiency gains.In the agriculture sector worldwide,carbon efficiency is staying for the past 20 years,no progress at all. And we know how to do it.It’s not even more expensive.It is about path independencies.We don’t change the pattern of organizing agriculture.The last one is urbanization.I already talked about it.I already talked about the huge shift towards urbanization worldwide. And the most important region here when we talk about urbanization.The most important region is Asia.In Asia currently,1.5 billion people are living in the urban areas. And in 2030,so only 20 years to come,3 billion people will live in urban areas in Asia.You are going to build an Asia during the next 20 years,an urban infrastructure which is 2 to 3 times bigger than the urban infrastructure which we have been built in Europe since the industrial revolution,our two world wars included.It is huge.The infrastructure,the urban one which is emerging now in Asia during the next 2 decades to come is really big. And as I said that most of our energy demand is organized in cities.It is so important that we focus on how to build low carbon cities.If we go businesses as usual in this urbanization processes,we cannot solve the climate change.So urbanization is really very important.This is the third sector.

What you can see here is these are the greenhouse gas emissions which are still available globally.So have a look.We do have around 660 to 1000Gt in terms of emission potential in the form of oil.We do have round 340 to 500Gt in the form of natural gas;we do have 29000 to 43000Gt in the form of coal.You might remember that I said in the beginning that what we still can emit to stay within the 2 degree cels target is 750Gt.So this graph is demonstrating that we need to move out of the fossil energy era before scarcity becomes a real issue.This is important to understand.Then let’s have a look at the energy sector for a moment.What need to be done in the energy sector a global perspective to transform the global energy sector into a low carbon energy sector.Currently 85% of our global energy production is being based on fossil fuel.Only 15% based on non-fossil fuel.What we need to achieve during the next 5 to 6 decades,let’s say towards 2070,during the next half century and a bit more,is to turn it exactly around.We can still emit then 15% based on fossil fuels but 85% needs to be non-fossil based in terms of energy carriers.So we need to focus on the investments into renewable energy carriers.This is the first part. And the second part,as you can see here is that this is the businesses as usual development path of the global energy system.We are currently now here.What we can see is that during next decade to come,the energy demand if you go business as usual will grow heavily.This is what Professor Pan said the dynamic in many countries,in China also.The picture on the left side is earth’s system under 6 degree higher.This is what we need to avoid anyway. And the right had side you see the 2 degrees compatible global energy system. And 2 things are very important here.The one thing is which I already said is that we need much more renewable energy in the system and we need to have much more gas in the system because gas is less greenhouse gas in terms than coal for example.This is one perspective.More renewables,more gas. And the other perspective is that as you can see your energy demand on the second scenario is much less higer.So we improve our energy efficiency.This is the second part of energy revolution.It is not only about the renewables,and non-fossil energy carriers,but also about improving radically our energy efficiencies.In this second scenario,we demand much less energy because we improve our energy efficiencies in many sectors,urban sectors,industrial sectors,our consumption patterns.So this is what the energy transformation needs to be about.The new energy structure on one side and improving efficiency on the other side.We argued our report that we do have the technologies for that.I am showing you some of those.What you can see on the right side is the power and energy structure in the desert.In Europe,we call the plan together with partners in Northern Africa to produce renewable energy,solar based energy in the desert of Northern Africa. And part of this will be brought to Europe and the bigger share of it will be used of Africa itself because Africa is still an energy poverty region.So these are new technologies which we can already built up in deserts and the solar energy makes a lot of sense.The left side you can see windmills. And the important message here is that the technology is here and China is a driver in this sector,together with Germany actually.We are the two leading nations when comes to wind energy.What you can see here is that the windmills are developing very very fast.The windmills which you see when you would visit Germany are still the windmills made inform the 1990s.They do have a diameter of around 40 to 50 meters only.The windmills which are building currently in Germany do have a diameter between 180 to 300 meters.It is a 6-time growth within only 20 years. And this implies that windmills today is not a niche technology.We are building up new systems.We are going offshore with this kind of windmills,and 20 or 25 big windmill can substitute one nuclear power station.It’s not a niche.It is a big technology.In Germany as you know,as Professor Pan has already mentioned,we are trying to go out of nuclear power towards 2022.So in 10 years,we close our last nuclear power plant. And in 2050,80% of our energy will be based on renewables,80%.So we will go out of fossil energy very rapidly.Currently,20% of our energy mix is based on renewables.20 years ago,it has been 0%.In 2020,it will be 40%.In 2050,it will be 80% without nuclear energy.So in Germany,we are doing a very radical energy transformation.This afternoon,Professor Pan and myself will talk about this kind of dynamics in Germany,and the big investment in China in this area in the German Embassy because we think that Germany and China should cooperate even more in these sectors because this is the industrial future.These are the technologies.The world needs in many countries these kinds of new technologies.Countries which move forward faster than others will be able to lead.This is the next big innovation way for the global economy.

This is a very important diagram,and it is a very optimistic message.What we did here is the following:we ask the question how big need the share of renewable energies in the global energy market be to see a price convergence between the production cost of fossil energy carriers and the production cost of energy based on renewable energy carriers?We estimate,before we started calculating,that we probably will need 50% to 60% of renewable into the global energy system to see a price convergence.What we found out was different.What we found is that with the share of more or less 20% of renewable energy in the share of the global energy markets,we have already seen a price convergence between the cost for energy production base on fossil fuels and base on renewables.This is a very optimistic signal.The question is from the international cooperation perspective,how can we build a coalition of nations which will be able to push the global energy market rapidly towards this point here because if you would see a price convergence between low carbon energy carriers and high carbon energy carriers.Then one of these big path dependencies will be out of order.Then this would be a tipping point towards a low carbon energy sector worldwide.Currently,we do have 6% in the global sector.We need 20%.So this is based on technological learning curves.This is based on scale effects of driving the scale dimension of technologies into new levels. And we came up with this optimistic data here.

I talked about technologies are available,and there is a picture in Germany.Because I talked about cities,and in Germany,it is not about new urban areas.In Germany,it is about reconstruction in existing urban areas because the German population and the German urban population is not growing.So we need to rebuild our cities.What you can see here is a building has been built in the 70s. And you see the building rebuilt towards energy efficiency with 90% efficiency gains regarding energy consumption.90%,we can do that.It is possible.The technologies are already available.In Asia,in the areas where urbanization trends are pushing forward,and urban population are growing,the question is that how to build an entire cities.The slide shows us the pictures of high carbon and low carbon.We need to think about how urban designs need to look like moving towards low carbon development.In Germany and I think also in China,we now are able to build zero emission buildings.In Germany,we now have the first buildings which do not consume energy.We do have the first buildings which produce more energy than they consume.This is very important because until now,40% of the energy consumption worldwide and the respected emissions are being produced by buildings.Now we are able to build 0 or even plus energy houses.So the problem houses might become a decentralized energy structure.These are fascinating technological advancements,which are emerging internationally. And China is a leader in these markets.

It’s about mobility concept.So how to reduce number of private cars and how to improve public transportation. And there are many examples around the world which can make this kind of progress.So I will skip this slide and move to the next one.

We need to talk about costs again.I said that we can finance the low carbon transformation but server messages are important here.The first message is which I already mentioned:different international studies are all showing that we need to invest around 2.5% of the global GDP to make the transformation possible.So the message is which I would like to discuss with are the followings:when you compare over a whole investments cycle,investments in a high carbon energy system with investments in our low carbon energy systems,let’s say from today to 2050 because this is a cycle of energy investment,40,50 years.Comparing low and high carbon investments over the whole cycle,the investments are very similar.But if you go low carbon,you have much higher upfront investments. And you will see interesting savings in the second part of the investment cycle.If you go high carbon,the upfront investments are lower,but you do not have this kind of savings in the second part of the investment cycle.So going low carbon is about upfront investments.This is important.We need to think how to finance upfront investments.We did a study on that.I do have it in front of me this smaller paper which I brought with me. And for those of you who are interested in,I can send it to you of course.So we reflected it on how to finance this kind of upfront investment which are necessary.But there are several other arguments which we need to have in mind which are important.The first important argument which we need to have it in mind when we talk about this 2.5% of investment into low carbon transformations,we need to know that the costs for climate damages are not involved in this kind of calculation.We all know if we run into a 3 to 4 degrees warmer world,we need to invest a lot of money to manage the damages of global warm.If we balanced the pre-investments and the damages,pre-investments are less expensive than investing in managing the damages of global warming.This is the first important argument to contextualize to pre-investment argument.The second very important argument is that currently we do have the global economy subsidies for fossil energy driven plants.In a magnitude of US$500 billion.This is around 1.0% to 1.5% of global GDP.So we are arguing that if we shift this high carbon subsidies into low carbon investments,we can already finance the important part of low carbon transformation process. And the last point is also very important.It is not only about the cost.It is about rising and increasing the investment ratio.If I say that we need to invest 2.5% of global GDP in low carbon transformation,this is about the investment ratio improvement.Your investment ratio in China is very high and very good.You can finance that anyway.As you know in Europe,we do have many deep problems currently.For us,it is more difficult.You are in much better situation now than we are from a financial perspective.I think that from a technical perspective,we in Europe,and we in Germany still have several advantages here.From the financial perspective,China has great opportunities to realize its leap.There is another important message included in this slide.It is about the structure of investment if we go towards low carbon.These are important numbers.Please have a look.Because we calculated how much do we need to invest in these several sectors I talked about to make the low carbon transformation possible.What you can see is that 20% of low carbon investment from the global perspective,needs to be done in the energy infrastructure.20%,I emphasize only 20% because I don’t know how you discussed this in China.In Europe,the focus is very much on the energy infrastructure and very little on the other components of the low carbon transformation.But this is only 20%because then 50% of the low carbon investments are about investments in buildings,in transport and mobility.This is the urban sector.50% of the investment needs to be done here.15% are needed in low carbon research and development activities.So innovation,investing in innovation because we need to improve technologies. And 15% need to be done in land use and industrial sectors.So this is the investment mix needed from a global perspective when we move towards low carbon.Energy is a part of the system of the energy infrastructure,but the energy efficiency part in buildings,transport,mobility and industrial sectors is much more important than the actual energy infrastructure.This is very important to have in mind.

So I’m moving to the end,into the last part of my lecture.I would like to visualize a bit how we conceptualize the transformation towards a global low carbon economy. And this curve here,this diagram,is how we conceptualize the low carbon transformation.You can see here our old growth pattern,which is high carbon,high resource-intensive. And we are probably globally here and we need to climb this curve up.It is not a linear development.We need transformation of change,great transformation.We need to mobilize efforts to move this curve up,to move towards a low carbon society at the end of the day.We calculated this is a period of 30 to 40 years,3 to 4 decades.We are currently probably on this yellow path,the rebound path.In all of our societies,in China,in India,and the U.S,in Europe,we are improve currently energy efficiency,carbon efficiency,resource efficiency,but we are always compensating all our societies currently.We are all compensating the efficiency rates by growth. And this implies what rebound is about.So,in relative terms,we have energy efficiency gains;in absolute terms,the emissions are still rising.What we need to organize is to move this curve up. And driving the transformation,this is about scale because we need to move from low carbon pilots to low carbon systems.It is about acceleration of the low carbon process.It is about a long-term perspective.I already talked about vision.We need long-term plans to make this transformation possible.It cannot be step by step without any vision about the future. And we need to have in mind not only sector reforms,but system reforms.When we focus on cities,it is not only about buildings;it is not only about transport.It is not only how we organize our cities regarding work and our private living.It is the whole system of urban areas.How to make those sustainable.System reforms are absolutely necessary.

I will tell you why I am optimistic and why I think that we can make this. And we can drive this curve up. And I do so comparing the situation 20 years ago,first Rio conference in 1992 on sustainable development with the current situation.To demonstrate to you that we are currently in a situation in which we can accelerate the low carbon development path.So this is the situation in 1992 Rio conference.I would explain what it is about is not self-evident.It is the real conference in 1992.So I will explain to you what I have in mind when I look at this curve.So in 1992 in Rio,there was a consensus when you read the Rio Agenda 21between our political leaders worldwide that the old business as usual development and growth pattern is not sustainable.There was a consensus there.Leaders signed that from around the world.But at the same time,the high carbon growth patterns,the high carbon societies actually moved forward.The high carbon societies are complex systems.It is about industries;it is about markets and users preference;it is about how science organized or policies are organized;it is about culture and it is about technologies.It is a integrate system.So political leaders signed in 1992 that this growth pattern cannot move forward any longer.We need to change.But in reality,things moved forward.In reality,in 1992,the green development thinkers,and the green development political leaders,and the green development managers and firms have been pioneers of green development.The green discourse and sustainable discourse 20 years ago was minority discourse.It was not the discourse which really drove private investment,which really drove political decisions at the level of our governments.The old system for the first year after 1992 moved forward.This was the situation in 1992.The discourse about green and sustainable development was a minority discourse.The situation today is different. And I would like to explain to you why I am optimistic.If you would like to move from a situation which we had in 1992 when political decision-makers argued in Rio that we do have a problem there.We need to move toward a sustainable growth pattern.To transformation is not as easy because you,for a transformation,you need to organize a new model.You need to gain importance,and you need to grow the low carbon investment towards a dominant growth pattern.We have been far away from these transformations only 20 years ago. And the current situation,we are much better off,and I would explain the current situation with this graph here.You see,the curve from high carbon growth pattern to the low carbon society,we need to climb this curve to move towards a low carbon society. And I do have here 5 major arenas where the global transformation towards low carbon needs to take place.5 major arenas.I will I go through these 5 major arenas in a second.Before I do so,I will start with the beginning of the curve and the end of the curve to explain to you why the situation is changing towards a low carbon transformation already.This is the situation in 1992.We had a legitimacy problem with the old development model because in 1992 people argued,leaders argued in Rio that we cannot move forward high efficiency oriented and high carbon growth based.We need to change that.But in 1992 there was no concept at all how to solve the problem.When you read the Agenda 21,which has been signed in Rio.It is a 250 pages document.If you get a 250 pages document on an international conference,this implies that people have not understood how to solve the problem.Many many problems abd many many issues there,but no concept how to manage the sustainability crisis.We are now in a much better situation.I think we do have a vision,and we do have concepts how to solve the problem.Our study tries to contribute to this kind of concepts.Professor Pan and his team,you are contributing to a discussion about how a low carbon economy can look like.We know much more about how to invest.We know much more about how to do it.We know much more about technologies needed.So we have been in the situation 20 years ago and what we saw we cannot go further business as usual but we know how to solve the problem.Now we have concepts around,this is very important.So let me move through these 5 areas and arenas where low carbon transformation needs to take place.The first arena is the arena of actors and what we try to demonstrate in our study is that we now see in many economies.This is real for China,this is real for Europe;this is real for many other countries.We can see that in numbers of actors which are moving towards sustainable development and low carbon development is rising and growing exponentially.Low carbon firms,low carbon cities,governments which focus on low carbon private and public investment infrastructures.The 12th fifth-year-plan in Chinese government is focusing strongly on green development and on low carbon development.These are all very important dynamics.The number of actors is about power,I said it’s about politics.The number of actors investing in these areas is much bigger now than only a few years ago.I can tell you that in Germany what is remarkable is following observation.We have been presenting our study here on the transformation towards a global low carbon economy.In all the 20 biggest companies of the German industry,in all of them,they invited us.10 years ago none of these companies would have invite us to give a discourse on this kind of transformation. And this implies that companies are understanding that the growth dynamics is already changing,and they need to drive the curve instead of shying away.So the number of actors is growing dynamically.Green innovations here on the right side,I already argued that I am very optimistic in terms of technology towards low carbon.So I do not need to elaboraste more on that.Shifting norms and values are heuristics.We do have many actors and institutions now which move forward new rouse concepts,development concepts and growth concepts.Tomorrow I will meet China Council International Cooperation Environment and Development.I am working in this advisory body to your government for 5 years already now. And in this contact,we have been worked about what might an ecological civilization be about;how might low carbon development in China look like.So in China,new development is already emerging and becoming stronger.The OECD,the organization which represents all the industrialize nations,has been developed a concept about wellbeing beyond fuel growth concepts.This is different from the old development minds.I am coming back from Washington last week talking about this kind of issue also.The world is now developing green,growth and development concepts.So there is a big shift in terms of new development which are becoming stronger in many countries.Policy regimes.In our study we compare policy regimes which drive our economies in 1992 with policy regime in the same countries in 2010. And we see is that policy regimes are shifting step by step towards sustainability oriented policy regimes.Not as fast as we would like to see it,not accelerating on a path which we would like to observe,but the policy regimes are shifting internationally. And we know how to do this.20 years ago,we did not know how to describe sustainability,macroeconomic framework for sustainable development,but now we can do that.

The last one here is the international context.Actually this is the weakest part of the whole change.We are making progress in many countries in this for other areas which I already mentioned.In international cooperation,we are not strong enough.The climate negotiations are too slow to really achieve the 2 degrees Cels target.We are making much more progress on national levels as I demonstrated here.What I would like to educate for,and this is the last part of my presentation,is building up a club low carbon pioneers.So countries which move forward toward low carbon direction,we should cooperate in a much more elaborate way compared with the current situation.I could image that China,Germany and Europe,and parts of the U S cooperate another countries,cooperate in important low carbon eras to move forward more rapidly.We suggested to our government to discuss with the Chinese government to make a joint investment in the training,academic training of the next generation of low carbon architects,of low carbon engineers,of low carbon economists,of low carbon transportation experts large scale together.Young people study in China then in Germany. And the German study in our universities and then here to seek that these two countries are moving into a different direction to organize a tipping point in the global transformation process.So international cooperation needs and can be improved.

I am coming to my last slide.When we have these different arenas in mind.Arenas of change towards a low carbon economy,we do have 3 important mechanisms which drive the whole process towards low carbon. And I would like to mention at the end of the lecture these big,important mechanisms.The first important mechanism is about co-evolution.Co-evolution means that this is not thing that you can governance.This is not something which you can steal.When you do have low carbon dynamics in policy arenas in terms of norms.In the arena of innovation,these different arenas are interacting and mutually reinforcing themselves.So if you get big innovations in technological arena,it is not easy to make policy reforms.Its norms and values are shifting.Policy reforms are easier.The number of actor is growing.So mutually reinforcing dynamics because we do have certain low carbon trends in many of these arenas.This is about co-evolution.The second mechanism is about transformational policies.Transformational policies are policies which do not only aim at organizing any efficiency gain,green efficiency gain.It’s about organizing transformational shifts which help us to climb this curve up.This is what the China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development which has its annual meeting during the next 3 days and I would participate there.This is what we are focusing on.What are transformational policies about?Not only energy efficiency oriented policies,but transformational policies. And we do have it here in our report also recorded the transformational policies we considered.

The last mechanism to make this transformation possible,is based on our reflection social contract on sustainability.We borrow this term of social contract from important European thinkers like Rousseau,Kant,and Hume.In their time,about 250 years ago more or less,they reflected on the transformation towards an industrial society,and towards the era of enlightenment of human rights,personal rights,citizen rights. And they argues in their work that this kind of shift in societies is only possible when a social contract in a society emerges between political actors,between society,between the private sector.So we borrowed from them,the idea that social contract is needed.Social contract obviously has something to do with the vision I spoke beforehand.The social contract for sustainability.We argued in our study that the abolishment of slavery for example,and the abolishment of child labor has been based on this kind of social contracts.This means that the transformation towards low carbon is not only something which we can drive by policies,instruments and incentives.It goes beyond that.For this transformations,we need base these transformational policies.We actually also need a social contract for sustainability.I think that in Chinese reflections on ecological civilization and how to balance the development and interests of human beings with its necessities of stabilizing the earth’s is something move to this direction.These are the 3 basic mechanisms which drive the processes towards low carbon transformation.

So ladies and gentlemen,thank you very much for your patience.It has been a long lecture,90 minutes. And I hope that you have found some of the ideas interesting enough to discuss about.Thank you!

Pan:Thank you very much,Dirk.It is very informative.Well,Professor Messner has given us a highly valuable lecture with regards to the global transformation towards a low carbon economy with planetary boundary.Everybody understands that we have technologies but so far it is beyond our imagination that we could be able to enlarge the boundary of our planet earth. And we have the technologies to improve our welfare but we are cornered by these planetary boundaries.In the meantime,professor Messner has emphasized that we do have the drivers to co-evolve the path toward a low carbon economy. And in the end,we have to go 0 carbon economy.I think it is absolutely the truth as Professor suggested.Before the industrial revolution,there was 0 carbon emission at all.All the energy was from natural resources and renewable. And probably 100 years later,when all the fossil fuels will be replaced,we would have low carbon emissions at last.So this is actually a must and professor has suggested that we have the opportunities and we have the challenges. And the country like Germany and China are making efforts and we have made enormous progress.In recent years,at the group level,there is a lack of international cooperation spirit.But this does not matter as soon as we move forward,we will have the solutions.

Now I think after 90 minutes,this very short lecture in terms of the information and the knowledge that you know that it contains. And I believe that we enjoyed a lot,and we learnt a lot.But still we would like to learn more and we would like to have some,you know,questions to discuss with the professor.So it is open in case anybody would have any questions or any observations or any comments.I believe that professor would be happy to discuss with you. And in case you have some,you know,difficulties in using the English language,of course,it is understandable since you know English is not our mother tongue. And we can use Chinese and I can help you to pass the message on to professor for the discussion.So don’t worry.If you can use English,that is perfect.If you use Chinese,there will be no problem as well.So the floor is open.Anybody if you have any question.Yes,please.

Student:First,thank you very much professor.Thank you very much for your presentation.I have a question.You mentioned that the carbon budget for the future greenhouse for the earth is 750 Gtons. And I have done some work for the carbon budget proposal under the advice of professor Pan. And during my calculation that this figure is too tight for reality we think.You know some natural scientists calculate this may be 1000 Gtons or higher,1400 Gtons. And you know without fundamental technology or policy in the next one or two decades,I think 750 Gton is impossible.So what is your opinion about this and what is your opinion about the carbon budget proposal for the future low carbon transformation?This is my question.Thank you.

Dirk Messner:First of all thank you very much for your question.I know that professor Pan and his team that you are also working on this budget idea. And we both actually represented our two concepts in Copenhagen two or three years ago already for international audience or for the international discussions.Our point this time was that to make the climate negotiations feasible and to push the climate negotiation progress forward.We need to translate our 2 degree Cels target into something which is more tangible.The end of the day,the tangible stuff is about the greenhouse gas emissions.We need to reduce the greenhouse gas emission and we need to know how big the budget actually is. And this is what our efforts being about.

And the question how to share the budget.This is a justice question.The justice question is very important.So now regarding the how many Gtons are available,the data from the nature scientists which we are calculating with and demonstrating that 750 Gtons are compatible with 2 degree target for the next four decades with the probability to reach the 2 degree target by 67%.If you reduce the probability to 50%,we can do that of course,it is a higher risk game.If you do that,we are ending up with around 1200 Gtons.It still is a challenge to make transformation.It is easier but you do have a higher risk.Higher risk means afterward warming 3 degree Cels.Our investments here inChina and globally will have higher risk of course.So we need to balance that.It’s about risk.It is about probabilities.It is about how fast we think that we can make the transformation.What is real anyway is for the second half of the century,the greenhouse gas budget will be very very small. And in your calculation,in our calculations,we talk about 200 or 300 Gtons for the second half of the century.So it needs to bring our emissions down during next 4-5decades on a very radical path.Our reflections are demonstrating that technically. And base on what we know now,we can do that. And froma financial perspective,it is possible. And I would add that countries which move forward now is pioneers of this process,do also accumulate economic advantagesin this process.

Pan:OK Thank you.I think that this is on the safe side.A tighter budget would ensure the 2 degree target and if we do not have a tighter budget,that would mean that we run a very high risk.So the second question.

Student:Thank you for the lecture.I wonder what is your perspective on the growth in your great transformation because some say that green growth is an illusion. And we need a justice de-growth in over developed countries and set the chance for the developing world.So I wonder.It may be a path dependence but it seems that to maintaining growth is to ensure everything else.So I wonder what is your perspective in this growth and dynamics in your great transformation?

Dirk Messner:Thank you very much for this question and it’s a very important thing. And a very difficult one to answer.Two weeks ago,we had a conference in Germany with Dennis Meadows.I do not know whether you know his name.Dennis Meadows was the author of The Limits to Growth.He is a 70 years old gentleman and 40 years ago,in 1972 he wrote his seminar work on the Limits to Growth. He was actually the first scientist who really focused on this kind of question,who said that imaging a world with a growing population becoming richer can be growth forever. And his answer is I think it is not possible.My answer is a bit more differente.I would argue that we still do have 2 billion people worldwide living with less than 2 dollars a day.So growth for them,wealth creation is a must.In the society,we do have a per capita income for a year around 1500 to 3,4000 dollars only organized by regional distribution that we do not get sufficient situation for people.So growth in poor countries is still absolutely necessary.But what we need to do is we need to control this growth from resource use and from the emission of carbon.This is the challenge which we are confronted with.We reflect on how this is possible.I will argue that in our industrial societies,the situation is different.In our societies,we need much less growthto have a level of development which is appropriate for human beings.You might know the income per capita in Germany is around 35000 euro per capita per year.People are not becoming wealthier and not becoming more lucky gaining 2 or 3000 dollars a month.So in countries in a high level of per capita,the growth issue is different from situations in poor countries.But the important challenge is the low carbon.We do have many sectors where do not consume materials. And this is where we meet to share our growth patterns.

Pan:This is also a matter of measurement.If we use GDP or the monetary measurement,then you know here income is actually an indicator.But this does not mean that more money would mean more happiness,and would mean a higher level of welfare.Take one example,if the life style is not very healthy,you eat too much,you drink too much and do not do that you know physical excises and then you have to eat a lot of medicine. And you eat a lot of medicine that generates a big mount of GDP.In the end,this is waste of resources.So life style is very important because what we need is the quality of living not the absolute physical wealth.We can have numerous wealth like renounce everywhere but in the end you do not enjoy your life,you do not have a very healthy and very quality style of living.So that is more important happiness because you know the welfare is not indicated by the amount of money you earned and the amount of wealth you would have.So who is the next?Yes,Please.

Student:Thank you for your wonderful presentation.My question is the clean development mechanism adds a wonderful way to solve the carbon trade between developing and developed countries.But there are some different voices on this.My question is how you comment on this CDM system?Thank you.

Dirk Messner:From my perspective,the mechanism is important because the major idea is that carbon companies from the US,from Germany invest low carbon technologies in developing countries reducing the emissions.We can translate this into the CDM mechanism and translate into the transfer of technologies and financial resources.If you look at the volume investments which are based on CDM mechanism,the volume is very small compared with upfront investments.So the CDM is important but it is not the driver of this kind of global transformation.Private investments,and big investments from big development banks are much more important.CDM is a small element in the big story.

Pan:I think you are certainly right.You know CDM is a mechanism to reduce the cost of emission reduction in the developed countries and help the developing countries for low carbon development.So this does have some impacts very positive but in the longer round,the amount of resources you know can be limited.So that is why we need to scale up level of financial investment.That is why professor suggested that the private sector involvement.Of course the CDM is involved by the private sector but the signal is very important that you know the CDM program promotes the market development in China,etc.in the past several years,the renewable energy installations rocketed.So the market signal is very important that CDM has it impacts.So who is next?

Student:Thank you very much for your excellent performance.Nowadays the low carbon economy is very hot today.I have a question what is your opinion of the China low carbon industry and which factor will play the most important role in the next decade?Can you tell us briefly?Thank you.

Pan:This is a very big question.

Dirk Messner:That is a very big question.We will try to answer in on the annual conference.I will focus on three very important dynamics which I would give priority to you.First is that China is one of the countries,I mean the country where the urbanization trends with combined the new middle class.This is the strongest worldwide.So in China,it is so important whether this country is making progress toward the creation of building the low carbon cities. And China is pioneer in this sector.So this is one of the very important arenas.Urbanizations,low carbon cities,low carbon urbanization.The second big area is the energy field because as Professor Pan told us at the very beginning energy consumption in China is still growing recently.So making and transforming the energy toward a low carbon in China is absolutely relevant.China is doing the biggest,in terms of volume,the biggest in low carbon energy arena.Germany is the second biggest investor in this field.So energy is absolutely important.The current figures are showing that China is make huge progress in energy efficiency gains but less progress in carbon efficiency gains.Its energy is still based by large proportion on fossil fuels.So moving towards to renewable energy is very very important.My last point is that the Chinese investment ratio is very high,40% from your GDP moves toward investment.Our investment ratio in Germany is around 23%.This implies that the dynamic with which you can re-structure your economic design much faster than most countries in the world.You can make this kind of transformation faster.So the question is whether the investments package over all moves step by step toward low carbon.This is the third important element I would have to say.

Pan:Low carbon transformation is certainly not cost free.But on the other hand we have to change our mentality.It is not,in the end an opportunity.These investments will bring energy security,would bring job positions,and would create a lot of job positions. And this will become the real driver for a growth of economy and also for income of the employees.In the interest of time,we may have a final one or two questions.

Student:Thank you Professor.In your lecture,you mention the international consensus of 2 degree Cels.So I wonder that would you please tell us some possible consequences if the earth system reaches the tipping point of 2 degree Cels?You know that there are positive consequences as well as negative consequences.So would please tell us some details for the possible consequences?Thank you.

Pan:OK.There is one more.We can take one more if there is any.So that is the last question.

Dirk Messner:Thank you very much for all your questions.I would argue in the following way.I would argue that actually we do have the chance to decide between three different types of great transformations.We are moving toward great transformation anyway.I have already talked about one great transformation toward low carbon.Low carbon is trying to avoid these risks of changing irrespectively.There is a second dynamic toward global transformation if you want a 3 or 4 degree.But most natural scientists are demonstrating to us that the risks which are related to 3 or 4 degree world are high in terms of access to water,in terms of access to soil,in terms of risk to weather and even bigger tipping points.Because imaginable the monsoon might collapse by the end of the century.We do not know what coming next.We cannot imagine a world where monsoon is not working.So the risks are very very high.This is the second possibility.We move toward global warming and we need to adopt to changes of the earth system.This is a big shift and this has to do with the great transformation also.There is a third,option which has been discussed currently.I have been talking about these issues in the US during the last month.I gave similar lectures in different universities,in Washington DC to the think tanks which are around there. And one of the biggest discussions there is the third.It is about geo-engineering.Gene engineering is about if the world is becoming warmer,what tries to invent to cool it down artificially.The cooling down artificial.Costs,unknown,risks,unknown. And people argue that this transformation might be too difficult,too challenging and then they go for geo-engineering.I will try to avoid the geo- engineering path because still it is possible to make the transformation towards low carbon.We know the design.We know the technologies. We know the policies.Why should we go to geo- engineering which implies the re-configuration of the earth system artificially on a global scale?I would like to avoid this.I mean we do have many problems to get a global climate regime in place.It is so difficult to gather 190 countries to get a climate regime.If we go to global geo-engineering,there are many issues which have to be discussed globally.If we put chemicals into the ocean for example,to improve the capacity of the ocean to observe greenhouse gases,who is being allowed to do so?And how much chemicals we should put into the oceans?Or we are going to put chemicals into the atmosphere to bring coolness into the atmosphere,who decide who can do that?And how much of this is possible and responsible?So we would need for a geo-engineering international rules also.If we do not have it,it will result international conflict obviously.So the geo-engineering path,from my perspective is what we should to avoid.I would argue for this idea,the great transformation. And the risks to our second transformation,a warmer world,are very very high.When you look at the tipping points,those are not small accidents in the earth system.These are big accidents to global earth system. And we do not know how to fix that.We do not know what the earth system will look like afterwards.Talking about the Amazon,with different institutes worldwide,we did studies on the Amazon. And the result demonstrated that with 3.5 to 4 degrees increased the possibility of collapse of the Amazon forest is high.What we cannot do,what we cannot model is to show how the water system and the soil system for Latin America as a whole will look like afterwards.We might run into serious food trouble in the whole region.So I would like to avoid the other paths.We all know the sustainability transformation. And let us go for that.

Pan:Great.Human being are very creative and innovative and sometimes,this creativity might go to the wrong end.Nuclear must be one example.Of course it does bring us some benefits but in the end,we are not sure what the final result would be.So this is one. And professor mentioned geo-engineering.Quite few scientists advocate this approach and that means we interfere with the natural system,and we artificially reverse the trend of nature circulation. And he gave one example.That is,put chemicals into the ocean that carbon dioxide can be absorbed by the ocean. And also some scientists suggest that we may send planes to atmosphere to spray something called aerosols to reduce solar radiation reaching the earth.The cost will not be that huge but the dangers,the risks are really unknown. And there is one thing that can be very clear that we need to minimize the human intervention with the natural system. And this is also a sort of mentality,a sort of cultural,or civilizational view shift because in the Party’s document it also as Professor mentioned the ecological civilization.This is in contrast to the industrial civilization.You know under the industrial civilization,the value that is very simple.Human beings are very powerful.We can conquer the nature. And you know the value is very simple.That is profit maximization. And then under ecological civilization,this is something different.The ethic value is something very different.We respect for nature.We work together with the nature.We must be in harmony with nature. And the value is not for profit maximization.Instead,for the quality of living.What we pursue is quality of living instead of paper money.For everybody,life is limited.There is nothing called long long life.If we look at life expectancy,the Japanese is the highest in the world.Some is 83 years old. And then very few people could live longer than one hundred years.So the quality of living is the most important for everybody,for our next generations.So we need to have paradigm shift,or shift of civilizational views.Otherwise,the technologies will not help us in qualities of living.Technologies are very important.But more importantly is that we have civilizational views.

Well,I think I enjoyed and learnt a lot from professor’s very stimulating,very informative lecture. And also the interactive discussions seem to be very productive as well. And I would like to inform you that Professor’s institute is very well-known think tank in the world. And he does invite applications for post doctorate researchers in his institute and also he works with universities. And in these universities,opportunities for exchanges,for some joint researches as well.It is a small world.You know geographically China and Germany are somewhere depart.But under modern transport for us and also internet,the world is not that huge.We can work together.So I encourage you to get in touch with professor.I do believe the Graduate School would have the information for further communication.I would invite the audience,everybody,to join me to thank professor for his excellent lecture.Thanks a lot.

Thank you for your participation.

(语音整理:胡纯、齐雨婷、梁洪基 初稿整理:李阳)

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主持人 潘家华(中国社会科学院城市发展与环境研究所所长):非常高兴,今天我们有幸请到德国发展研究院院长、德国政府全球变化咨询委员会副主席、中国环境与发展国际合作委员会委员、城市发展与环境研究所特邀专家迪尔克·梅斯纳教授来到咱们研究生院。





图1 我们为什么需要全球低碳转型


图2 全球转型


图3 在与全球变暖2℃的目标相容的情况下向大气排放的温室气体


图4 为何本次转型是全球的大转型


图5 技术革命


图6 五个好消息与五个挑战




图7 气温上升6℃和2℃的地球系统

图8 风力发电和沙漠中的电力与能源结构


图9 成本价格收敛

图10 德国20世纪70年代建成的房子




图11 转型策略


图12 从高碳社会转型到低碳社会

图13 推动低碳转型的三个重要机制





学生甲:首先,非常感谢教授,非常感谢您的演讲。我有一个问题。您提到未来的地球温室气体排放碳预算是750 Gtons。我在潘教授的建议下做了一些碳预算的提案工作。基于我的计算,这个数字相对于现实过于保守。您知道一些自然科学家计算出这个值为1000 Gtons,或更高的1400 Gtons。您知道在未来10~20年,没有基础技术和政策支持,我认为750 Gtons是不可能的。那么对于这个问题您有什么看法?还有,关于未来低碳转型的碳预算方案您有什么看法?这是我的问题。谢谢您!


关于如何分配预算,这是一个司法问题。司法问题是非常重要的。而我们所关注的是现在有多少Gtons可用,我们通过计算自然科学家给出的数据,得出未来四十年750 Gtons和2摄氏度目标兼容的可能性达到67%。如果你把可能性降到50%,我们可以做到这一点,当然,这是一个高风险的游戏。如果你这样做,我们最高可把结果估至1200 Gtons。转型仍然是个挑战。这样更为容易,但你将面临更高的风险。更高的风险意味着接下来可能升温3摄氏度。当然,我们在中国和全球范围内的投资将会有更高的风险。所以我们需要权衡。它关乎风险,是一个概率性问题。它关乎我们认为转型的速率。无论事实怎样,到21世纪下半叶,温室气体的预算将会非常小。在你我的计算中,我们讨论的200 Gtons或300 Gtons是关乎于21世纪下半叶的。因此在下一个40~50年,它需要通过一条非常激进的途径来降低我们的碳排放量。我们所思考的是从技术层面上的演示,这是基于我们现在所知道的与所能做到的。从财务的角度看,它是可能的。我想补充一点,现在各个国家才是该过程的先驱,需要注意在这一过程中积累经济优势。



迪尔克·梅斯纳:非常感谢你的这个问题,这是一个非常重要的事情,也是一个很难回答的问题。两周前,我们与德国的丹尼斯·梅多斯(Dennis Meadows)开了一个会议。我不知道你是否知道他的名字。丹尼斯·梅多斯是《增长的极限》的作者。他是个70岁的老先生。40年前,也就是1972年,他写了一份《增长的极限》研讨会工作记录。作为第一位真正专注于此类问题的科学家,他提到“想象一个拥有日益增长人口的世界变得越来越富裕并永远发展”。同时,他的回答是“我认为这是不可能的”。我的答案与他的有一些不同。我认为世界上仍然存在一天收入低于2美元的人。所以发展对于他们来说,财富的创造是必然的。在这个社会上,我们确实存在一些年收入在1500~3000或4000美元之间的人群,仅仅通过有组织的地区性分配来调节并不足够。因此,贫穷国家的增长仍然是绝对必要的。但我们需要做的是,通过控制碳排放相关自然资源的使用来调节这种增长。这是我们所面临的挑战,需要思考这样操作的可能性。我认为对于我们较为富裕的工业化社会,情况有所不同。在这种社会,人们对于一定水平增长的依赖逐渐减小。你可能知道,德国的人均年收入大约是35000欧元。他们并不显得比月收入2000~3000美元的人更为富裕或更为幸运。因此,对于高收入水平国家,增长的问题不同于贫穷国家,重要的是低碳方面的挑战。我们有很多部门不消耗原材料。这是我们所需要分享的增长模式。















Dirk Messner:And now,before I do so,I would like to explain to you what this acronym is —WBGU is meaning.This is the Germany Advisory Council on Global Change.So this is my second job to say,so I am the direct of German Development Institute located in the west part of Germany.At the same time,I am the vice-chair of the German Advisory Council on Global Change.This Germany Advisory Council on Global Change works together or works is based on corporation between 9 important institutions in Germany which work in the field of global challenges and global sustainable development.So there are 9 directors and 9 institutions together,we do advice for the German government.We are the climate advisors to the government.We work on energy issues,and other important global change dynamics.For example,the urbanization is one of our most important issues that we are current focusing on.The issue I am going to talk about to you today is about the great transformation towards a (global) low carbon economy.The lecture which I am giving is based on the study,a comprehensive study,which is titled World in Transition:Social Contract for Sustainability,so what I am talking about now is being written down on 450 pages in this report.It was the contribution of the German academic community towards Rio,2012.We will remember the great and big international conference in Rio,which has been focusing on green development and sustainable development.So this has been German contribution to Rio.For those you are interested to get one of these books,please give the names if this is fine with you,Pan Jinhua.Give the name to professor Pan,and all of you will get the report,if you are interested in this.We can organize this afterwards.

OK.So let’s start.I have organized my lecture for the next one,one and half hour around four big issues.The first issue I am going to concentrate on is the low carbon transformation.How fast do we need this kind of low carbon transformation from a global perspective?And why do we call it a great transformation?Because you have seen that I have talked the title about the great transformation towards low carbon economy.So how fast and why great transformation.Then I will go on to our second issue and I will ask the question whether we can manage this kind of transformation and how we can solve the problems. And I will come up with 5 good news.So 5 drivers of the transformation which we see already in place.But we also focus on 5 major challenges and barriers,because it is a difficult transformation and we also need to know the barriers in order to be not too naive when we drive the this transformation forward.The third issue here is the question which sector are the most important one in our economy when we reflect on the global transformation towards low carbon.I will focus on energy,on urbanization and on land use.Then the forth point is about the major drivers of the low carbon transformation.It is about core revolutionary processes.It is about tipping point the global economy towards low carbon development. And it is about something which we called a social contract for sustainability.So this is what I am going to talk about. And for all of those who are interested in all this kind of slides,the book is available.I will send to you afterward,if you are interested.

So let’s start with the question great transformation,global transformation how fast.My first sight here is about why we need a global low carbon transformation. And I got a citation here form Michael Spence.Michael Spence is an American U.S economist.He got a Nobel economy award several years ago,and in the World Bank conference one and a half years ago,he stated the following:“We simply cannot scale up existing growth patterns in the global new economy.” I think this is exactly what we have to need in mind we simply cannot scale up for physical reasons the existing growth patterns in the new global economy. And why isn’t it impossible?It is because that we are going to be 9 billion people in 2050.We are going to triple the global GDP from US$60 trillion in 2010 to US$180 trillion in 2030 to 2040.We do have huge growing middle classes in global economy.If these new global middle classes go the business as usual growth pattern and consumption pattern,we will not be able to organize the sustainability in the global context.Regarding to the global middle classes,I would like to ask you to look at this diagram here,this table on the right side. And the data are showing the following.I will give the data for the global middle classes in 1990(it was not here on the graph,but I will give you the numbers in 1990),now the current situation,then towards the 2030.So global middle classes,these are people defined by United Nations statistics,with a per-capital income between US$4000 and US$40000.So if you look at the group into the global economy,in 1990,only twenty years ago,1.3 billion people belonging to the middle classes,80% of those living in OECD countries in western industrialized countries.Only 20% of those global middle classes living in non-western countries.So have a look at the numbers in 2009.This is a current situation more or less.What you can see here is that now we do have 1.8 billion global middle classes in the global economy,50% of these 1.8 billion people are still living in OECD countries,but 50% are already living in non-OECD countries.This is very good,because this implies that non-OECD countries,developing countries are now developing fast,and are growing.So the income is growing,which is very good.But from the perspective of sustainability,of course,this implies this new growth which is emerging now driven by the new global middle classes needs to be sustainable.If we go business as usual,high carbon,high resource-intensive,we will not sustain in the planet boundaries.If you look towards 2030,this is not so far away.When I am looking at the auditorium here,most of you are in the twenties and earlier thirties,this is much part of your future,2030. And 2030,we will have,as you can see here,around 4.8 billion people call global middle class people.More or less 5 billion people.Are 80% of them will be living in the non- OECD countries.Only 20% of those will be living in the OECD countries.This is a huge shift.From eighty twenty OECD countries middle class people non-OECD countries middle class people only 20 years ago to 2030 at time at which 80%,now the new global middle classes people will live beyond OECD.This is a huge shift.The global economy is changing radically.From the sustainability perspective,this is very important,because this implies that the formula which we have been used in Rio one in 1992,you might remember,this was a very big conference on sustainable development 20 years ago.The idea in 1992 was that the OECD countries actually they can solve the sustainable issues,and afterwards non-OECD countries can copy that.The situation is different now,because the growth is coming from the non-OECD countries.The global middle classes are living in non-OECD countries now in their majority.This implies that OECD countries and emerging economy,emerging powers,like China,India,Brazil,and South Africa.At the same time in parallel,we need to move towards a global sustainable economy,a low carbon economy.Because if we would see,these new middle classes are growing up based on high carbon growth,we are not able to limit global warming by 2 degree,which is the target we all agreed on international carbon negotiation.So this is why we need a global low carbon transformation,not only a low carbon transformation in several countries around the world.We need a global low carbon transformation in the major economy around the world,and China is obviously one of the major drivers in this field.

This is the second slide which talks about the global transformation.What you can see here on the left side is a graph which is demonstrating the planetary boundaries—the physical and chemical and biological planetary boundaries.The scientists can explain to us now much better than 15 or 20 years ago,how the space looks like,in which we can organize creation in the global economy.We know the planetary boundaries now.The important challenge for all of us is to develop a growth pattern,to develop a wealth concept within these planetary boundaries.We need to accept these planetary boundaries because those are physical ones.If we move beyond those planetary boundaries,we will run in the second graph in the right side,we will run into several tipping points in the earth system.If we move towards 3 or 4 or even higher degree of global warming,we might see a collapse of monsoon in Asia,a collapse of the Amazon forests in Latin America,and an irreversible trend of melting down of the Greenland ice-shied in the Arctic.Tipping points in the earth system,this implies that if we don’t stay with our wealth concept and our growth pattern,if we don’t stay within the planetary boundaries,we will create during the next decade a new earth system.I think that this point is still not well understood in most of our society,beyond our science communities.When I talk to people,the citizens in my own country,they all understand that global warming is something that we should stop and should try to manage well,but few people understand that if we no move forward our business as usual,what we are doing is we are going to change the basic patterns of earth system as such.This is very strong message.

So these are reasons why we need to organize this global low carbon transformation.What we did here and what I demonstrated with this slide is how much greenhouse gas emissions we still can emit in the global atmosphere,which are still compatible within 2 degree Cels to the global warming target.This is what agreed all because scientists are arguing and natural scientists,climate scientists are arguing that beyond 2 degree Cels,we are running into serious problems.So what does this mean for the global warming budget,for the global greenhouse gas budget?Still available?We are coming up and we have been cooperating this exercise with Professor Pan and also his team to develop a very similar budget approach,so how big is the budget,the greenhouse gas budget,still available for us within these 2 degree Cels corridor.We came up with the number,which tells us between today and 2050 we can still emit as global society:750Gt of greenhouse gases.If we do that,with the probability of 67% we will stay within the 2 degree Cels corridor.You might ask me why aren’t you going with the probability of 100% towards the 2 °C target. And the answer is that if we do this with a 100% complete security just let us say so to move towards the 2 degree Cels,the budget will be so small that we cannot organize the global transformation.So there is also a certain risk,750 Gt.How much is 750Gt?If you would be able to stablize the greenhouse emissions on the current levels,this budget will be exhausted during the next 20 years to come. And this implies that budget is small.The budget in which we need to organize our growth patterns,our wealth concept is small.This is why we talk about a great transformation.It is not an easy thing to do.It is a major structure change which implies for our economy.The next step is that we calculated different peaking years regarding the global greenhouse gas emissions.So we calculated the peaking situation for the greenhouse gas emissions in 2011,the green curve here,in 2015 and 2020. And you can see the following,if we would have peaked in 2011(and we did not as you know),we would have needed to reduce the global emissions each year by 3.7% to stay in 750Gt.3.7% is something which is imaginable.If you have been working on labor productivity,energy efficiency gains,3.7% per year is something we can organize.We have seen this kind of efficiency gains in many other sectors.You,in China,you are a master;you are a pioneer in organizing this kind of efficiency gains.3.7% is possible.What you can see also is that if we would peaked in 2020,so only 8 years’ time,we would need to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions annually by 9%.This is very challenging.It might be impossible.So the important message here is with this slide we are under big time pressure,I would be much less nervous in term of organizing a low carbon transformation,if we would not be under such a high time pressure.You’ve seen that I am very optimistic in terms of technology available,institutions which we need,how to do it,the time pressure is very important.We need to peak during the next year to come.This is why the climate negotiations are so important. And it seems so frustrating because we are not moving rapidly.But on other hand,many economy,the investments in all these areas are improving.China is the most important investor in low carbon technology currently.German is the second.We are two important countries in the process.So peaking is important.When we peak,we are under the time pressure.

So I have been calling this low carbon transformation a great transformation.A great transformation.There are the comparisons,regarding other great transformation in history of human mankind.We have been through the history of human mankind and we argued that this transformation towards a low carbon economy reducing radically greenhouse gas emissions and afterwards,the use of resources during the next decade to come.This new situation,creation of wealth within the planetary boundaries is only comparable to 2 big other great transformations in the history of human mankind. And these two other great transformation are the Neolithic revolution,10000 years ago.You know 10000 years ago,human invented agriculture,we started to build villages,we moved beyond the hunt-and-gather pattern of human civilization.This was the Neolithic Revolution.It was a big shift in human history.In these times,we were only several millions people on earth.Human mankind was small,10000 years ago.The second big great transformation from the global perspective was the Industrial Revolution,Industrial Revolution started more or less 250 years ago.In these days,we have been 1 billion people on the earth from server million to 1 billion people on earth.The second transformation of human mankind was based on the energy revolution,because it was driven by fossil fuel.The agricultural society beforehand has been based on the energy of animals.On the animals and on the energy of us as human being working,the peasants,on the agriculture pattern. And based on burning wood.This was the pre-industrial era.Industrial Revolution was driven by energy revolution.It was driven by fossil fuels.This was the second big transformation in human history. And the third big transformation now is this one.We need to make again an energy transformation,because we need to move out of the fossil driven global energy system.We need to bring the greenhouse gas emissions to a stop.We need to organize our development within the 750Gt budget,within the planetary boundaries.With 9 billion people becoming richer,this is the challenge which we are confronted with during the next decade to come. And as we have been seeing,we are under time pressure.There is one very important difference between this great transformation,the low carbon and sustainability transformation and the other 2 big transformations that we already moved through,the Neolithic revolution and the Industrial revolution.The big difference is that the first 2 big transformations have been evolutions.They have been evolving.No one has been organizing the Neolithic revolution.It emerged.No one has been organizing the Industrial revolution.It came up.Now this,the third transformation,the low carbon sustainability transformation needs to be managed.It needs to be politically guided.We need to make this kind of transformation.We will now run out of high carbon era by evolution.We need to organize it.Policy matters,institutions matter.Incentives are important.This great transformation needs to be manmade.It cannot be evolution driven.It’s need to be manmade.This is a very important difference.

This is the last slide regarding the question why the global transformation and why do I talk about a great transformation.There is a new debate in the global science community. And it is about the era of the anthropocene.It has been driven by Paul Krutzen;some of you might know his name.He is coming from chemistry,so he is natural scientist.If you don’t know his name,you do know what he has been observing is the first scientist on earth,because he has observed the ozone hole in the atmosphere was growing and growing and growing.This is what he got noble prize for.Paul Krutzen and other natural scientists are pushing forward a new debate on sustainable development because they are arguing that we are current in a situation,probably since the end of 20 century,for the last 2 or 3 decades.We are in the situation in which for the first time in the history of the earth system.It is the first time during the 4.5 billion years history of the earth system as such (as we know our history as human mankind,as homo sapien history is only 0.22 million years).Now we are talking about the earth system era.So for the first time in the earth system era,this is the argument of Paul Krutzen:human mankind is the strongest geological force in the earth’s system as such.This is a very strong argument,because till very recently,what we have been arguing is that the earth system is driven by physics;it’s driven by natural science and laws.We,as human beings,are as a part of that;we are living on the earth.Maybe we are destroying several forests and polluting several oceans,but we cannot influence the dynamic of the earth system as such.This is too big for humans.But the data are telling different stories,you know.Data are telling that since the end of the 20 century,human beings are now the strongest geological force in the earth’s system.This is a very important observation,because this implies that human mankind is now responsible to drive the earth’s system.We are making a new earth’s system,if we move forward business as usual,high carbon and high resource efficient growth.So there are several implications I do have on the right handside:we need to learn,as a global community,to drive the earth’s system.We need to manage the global commons:the oceans,the forests,and the atmosphere.We need institutions for that. And as you know,international corporation.We are struggling with this kind of managing the global commons.So we need norms and values for that.I think we need to understand that to manage the earth’s system,to drive it in a sustainable way;we need to perceive the human mankind as something like world sight.This is one of the consequences.Secondly,we need I already said we need to invents and implements a raise model,a raise concept,a growth pattern for billion people within the limits of the earth’s system. And third,we need to manage very different time scales as human beings.We,as human beings,are not very good in managing long term perspectives.Maybe,you in China,you are better organized in this respect.In western society,short-term is very very strong,in the economy or political system.We need to think long-term because wow we need to reflect on the long-term dynamic of the earth’s system as such and we can change those systems.We can change the dynamic of the earth’s system,so we need to think much more long-term,intergenerational dynamics and intergenerational prosperity,is something we need to have in mind.My hope is that the society with the long culture history.China is obviously one of the societies,may help us to do so,because we need to learn that.We are probably in the era of the anthropocene.

I found this slide you are seeing here only some months ago. And I found it incredibly interesting and this is why I want to show it to you.It is from a US economist,Mr.Fugel,who is now already 93 years I found this slide several month ago and called him.He was 92 years he still works at his university.He got the Nobel Prize for doing research on innovations which do have global impact,and what came out of his kind of research was which something very similar to our thinking:the three big transformations,the Neolithic revolution,the industrial revolution,and afterwards now,the sustainability revolution.So what you can see here is the first big transformation which are already talked about. And what Mr.Fogel,the economist,is demonstrating is the following:we have the Neolithic revolution more or less 10 000 years ago. And what he is showing is that during the next thousands of years to come up with the Neolithic revolution,human mankind had this kind of big innovations which impacted the human mankind as such in the rhythm of more of less 1000 years.So every thousand years,one very big innovation.Human mankind invented cities,mathematics,the agricultural revolution and the printing press.Without the printing press,there is no science;there is no industrial revolution;there is no development.So big innovations in a rhythm of 1000 years.

And then the industrial revolution started.About 250 years ago.What you can see here industrial revolution is being driven by acceleration of innovation processes.Fogel is finding every 30 to 40 years now,very big innovations.Very big innovations.So the industrial revolution has been the acceleration of innovation processes.This is being the second big transformation.

And now the third big transformation,the low carbon transformation,is in front of us. And again we need the acceleration of innovations to make the low carbon transformation within the planetary boundaries,and within this 750Gt budget possible. And the question is whether we will be able to organize those under the global scale.This is what I am moving towards.

We studied many other transformations.We studied the industrial revolution in China which started at the end of 1970s.The acceleration of growth in China and the structural change in China.We studied this structural adjustment program in Latin America in 1990s.We studied the emergence of EU 60 years ago.So transformations which are not big transformations.I said there were only two big transformations beforehand.But relevant significant transformations because we look at drivers for transformation.What can we learn from the past regarding drivers of these kind of transformations?What is driving these kinds of transformations,what is driving these kinds of social and economic changes?And we found four major drivers of transformation.I think these four major drivers are also very important and relevant for the current great transformation to low carbon sustainability.These four drivers are the following:

The first one is vision.Vision for a better future,normative perspectives.If you would like really to change system,now towards a low carbon sustainability,you need to know where to go.You need to be able to describe where you would like to move the old system towards.You need a vision.We have two big and interesting transformations which we discussed in our report here to demonstrate how important visions are.We discussed abolishing slavery driven by vision,100 years ago globally.We described the emerging of EU which was driven by vision also.Visions are important to make great transformations possible.

The second one is very easy to understand.It is about technology.Rapid diffusion of innovations.If now we move to low carbon,we need many of these innovations,low carbon innovations,in many sectors. And the diffusion of the innovations is very important.How to organize this.The IT revolution is one of the revolutions in the past which started 30 years ago,which change so many parts of the system of the global economy.Now we need low carbon and sustainability innovations.

The third driver of transformations are very often crisis.We,as human beings,we start changing patterns when we are confronted with serious challenges because changing patterns and innovation is difficult for societies,for economies,for private firms,for public firms,for us individuals.So being confronted with crisis,we change patterns.We started to reorganize the global financial markets after the crisis,the financial crisis in 2008.So crisis are important drivers of transformation processes.This time,talking about the climate challenge,we need transformation before we drive into serious problems.Because scientists can demonstrate to us that if we run into a 4 degree warmer world,the impact of climate change will be so huge,tipping point the earth’s system that we would have to manage irreversible trends in our natural environment.We might not be able to manage that.We might run to serious international problems.So we have to avoid this third element of transformation.The forth element of transformation is knowledge.If we understand that we do have a problem in our societies,in the global economy,this knowledge can help us to change polices,institutions,incentives,growth patterns.Knowledge driven transformation.What we need to organize now in this global transformation towards low carbon is a transformation pattern based on vision,on technology and on our knowledge.We should avoid the crisis.

So where so we stand in the global low carbon transformations?Because we argued that the low carbon transformation is not starting this morning.It already started in China,in Europe,worldwide,actually several decades ago.It started with these debates on serious resources constrains 30,40 years ago.The discussion is not new where we stand now. And as I said in the beginning,5 major good news and 5 major challenges which we find very important.Let’s start with the good news because to make a transformation,you need to be optimistic,and you need to know where to go.But in order to avoid to be?You should know the barriers and challenges also because there are challenges.There are many win-win constellations but there are also many big challenges.We need to know the challenges also.So let’s start with the good news.The facts are that we show on the left side.I should explain this strange diagram to you.This is something which the physicists in our group have been painting down.What we can see here is that this is the current situation.Our societies are here.We are in a comfortable situation still.We do have a growth.We do have innovation.It is not necessary to change now before because the crisis is still not there,the climate crisis.We are still now have the 3,4 degrees plus.We are at more or less a comfortable situation.We could maintain the situation for the next 2 or 3 decades to come.Then we need to change by crisis.But currently it is not necessary.So we need to organize some efforts to move towards a low carbon society,and reduce the low carbon emissions.Efforts are necessary.

So where we stand?The five good news are following:the first important good news is that we did an energy and technology assessment and we found that the low carbon technologies needed are already there and in place or we know how to develop them.This is very important because you would like to solve a high carbon situation go low carbon but technologies are not there.You cannot solve the problem.Technologically,we cannot solve the problem.This is a very important message.

The second important message is that we can finance the transformation.It would not drive us into a financial crisis when we do this transformation.All the data are demonstrating that we need to invest more or less 2% to 2.5% of the global GDP into the low carbon transformation,to make the transformation possible.2.5% of the global GDP is not a small money.It’s not little money.It is a lot of money.But we can finance 2.5% of the global GDP to make the transformation possible.I will give you a national example from my own background.As you know,we re-unificated the two parts of Germany starting in 1989.During the last 20 years after the unification,we in Germany invested 7% of our national GDP in the reunification process,so in infrastructure and investing in house,in different parts of the re-unificated Germany.We invested several percent in this project.We had a vision.We need to re-unificate our country.We need these investments,so 7%.What we need to do globally is 2.5%.We can finance that.

The third important message is we observed and we did study about that,and we gathered materials about that.We found that in many societies,and China is one of those,the values of people are changing towards sustainability.The green discourse,the sustainability discourse has been a minority discourse 20 years ago in many countries,in most countries.This is different now.People understand that the sustainability issue is not something that is luxury.People understand that it is a part of wellbeing,so there is shift in norms and values.The forth element which we do have in terms of favor factures is that we do have global networks in place,to learn much faster internationally than ever before in human history.This has to do with internet.This has to do with our mail systems.We can learn and diffuse knowledge and our innovation now much faster than ever before.This is very important because we are,as I said,under the time pressure. And the last element here is that if we go towards low carbon,there are many co-benefits because if we reduce greenhouse gas emissions,this is also about reducing pollution,about health,about investing in new innovation areas,about innovation and employment,about new patterns of growth.I think there is currently no other convincing growth story worldwide than the low carbon sustainability story.It’s about a new model economic innovation.So there are many co-benefits.

But there are also barriers and major challenges which we need to know. And I would like to focus on these 5 points here.The first one is the about the path dependencies.What does this mean?In our societies,we do have different types of path dependencies,technology path dependencies,for example.Our economies around the world are currently still based on fossil driven energy systems,so this is the technology that dominance.It is not so easy to change the technological patterns.You need to know how for that.You need to new technology for that.You need to rebuild your systems.Technological path dependencies are very strong.But there are also path dependencies in political sense.We do have one chapter in our report here which is titled Is Politics Stupid?This implies that in a high carbon economy when you start to organize the transformation towards low carbon,you do have many high carbon industries,and firms,and sectors and political coalitions around them,which imply political path dependencies.So we need to overcome the political path dependencies also. And then on the individual level,there are also path dependencies.John Mendes Keynes,who you all might know well,he once wrote down a very important sentence:“It is actually very easy to develop new concepts and ideas.The really difficult thing is to forget the old ones.” We have to overcome this kind of path dependencies,because last 250 years the raise of all our nations is being built on this old development model which is no longer sustainable..We need to change a very successful develop pattern.This is difficult.This is about path dependencies.The time frame is very tight.I already talked about that.This is the second barrier we have to change.The third barriers is that currently global cooperation is very difficult to organize but we need a global transformation process.We need to cooperate much more between our societies to make climate negotiation successful.But we are stuck in many cooperation blocks currently.I will come back to this point at the end of my presentation.Global cooperation is currently difficult.The forth point is rapid urbanization globally.You know that currently 3 billion people are living in the urban areas.In 2050,6 billion people will live in urban areas.Professor Pan and his institute is focusing exactly on this kind of challenge,urbanization challenges. And you also know 60%-70% of global greenhouse gas emissions are coming from cities.Cities are growing.Emissions are coming from these new cities.If we do build business as usual cities for the next decade to come,from 3 billion people living in urban areas to 6 billion people,the development within the 2 degree corridor is absolutely impossible.Urbanization needs to be low carbon,and we are under time pressure. And the last point is that from a climate perspective,it’s very unfortunate that we do have a lot of cheap coal available in many countries.From the climate perspective,this is a huge challenge.We are not running out of the high carbon growth era because we are running out of coal.There is a lot of coal around.But we need to shift towards low carbon prosperity.

So my next step is the question that which are the most important sectors which we need to focus on to make low carbon development possible. And the answer is that there are three major sectors which we need to focus on to make the low carbon transformation possible. And these are the 3 sectors.

Above you see is the global energy sector,which is responsible for 70%,75% of the global greenhouse gas emissions.So the low carbon transformation is about how we organize our energy sectors in the future.The second important sector is land use,because 25% of our global emissions are coming from land use.2 dynamics are important,when I talk about the land use.The first part is the forests.As you know,the forests are absorbing greenhouse gases.If we cut them down and destroy them,more greenhouse gases are coming into the atmosphere.So protecting forests is a part of the land use story.The other part of land use story,which is responsible for 25% of greenhouse gas global emissions is agriculture.How we organize agriculture?We can do agriculture high carbon,and we can do it low carbon.We do it high carbon.I will go into the energy sector in a minute,but I would like to focus on two or three sentences on the agriculture part,because in the energy sector we are making a lot of progresses in terms of energy efficiency gains and even carbon efficiency gains.In the agriculture sector worldwide,carbon efficiency is staying for the past 20 years,no progress at all. And we know how to do it.It’s not even more expensive.It is about path independencies.We don’t change the pattern of organizing agriculture.The last one is urbanization.I already talked about it.I already talked about the huge shift towards urbanization worldwide. And the most important region here when we talk about urbanization.The most important region is Asia.In Asia currently,1.5 billion people are living in the urban areas. And in 2030,so only 20 years to come,3 billion people will live in urban areas in Asia.You are going to build an Asia during the next 20 years,an urban infrastructure which is 2 to 3 times bigger than the urban infrastructure which we have been built in Europe since the industrial revolution,our two world wars included.It is huge.The infrastructure,the urban one which is emerging now in Asia during the next 2 decades to come is really big. And as I said that most of our energy demand is organized in cities.It is so important that we focus on how to build low carbon cities.If we go businesses as usual in this urbanization processes,we cannot solve the climate change.So urbanization is really very important.This is the third sector.

What you can see here is these are the greenhouse gas emissions which are still available globally.So have a look.We do have around 660 to 1000Gt in terms of emission potential in the form of oil.We do have round 340 to 500Gt in the form of natural gas;we do have 29000 to 43000Gt in the form of coal.You might remember that I said in the beginning that what we still can emit to stay within the 2 degree cels target is 750Gt.So this graph is demonstrating that we need to move out of the fossil energy era before scarcity becomes a real issue.This is important to understand.Then let’s have a look at the energy sector for a moment.What need to be done in the energy sector a global perspective to transform the global energy sector into a low carbon energy sector.Currently 85% of our global energy production is being based on fossil fuel.Only 15% based on non-fossil fuel.What we need to achieve during the next 5 to 6 decades,let’s say towards 2070,during the next half century and a bit more,is to turn it exactly around.We can still emit then 15% based on fossil fuels but 85% needs to be non-fossil based in terms of energy carriers.So we need to focus on the investments into renewable energy carriers.This is the first part. And the second part,as you can see here is that this is the businesses as usual development path of the global energy system.We are currently now here.What we can see is that during next decade to come,the energy demand if you go business as usual will grow heavily.This is what Professor Pan said the dynamic in many countries,in China also.The picture on the left side is earth’s system under 6 degree higher.This is what we need to avoid anyway. And the right had side you see the 2 degrees compatible global energy system. And 2 things are very important here.The one thing is which I already said is that we need much more renewable energy in the system and we need to have much more gas in the system because gas is less greenhouse gas in terms than coal for example.This is one perspective.More renewables,more gas. And the other perspective is that as you can see your energy demand on the second scenario is much less higer.So we improve our energy efficiency.This is the second part of energy revolution.It is not only about the renewables,and non-fossil energy carriers,but also about improving radically our energy efficiencies.In this second scenario,we demand much less energy because we improve our energy efficiencies in many sectors,urban sectors,industrial sectors,our consumption patterns.So this is what the energy transformation needs to be about.The new energy structure on one side and improving efficiency on the other side.We argued our report that we do have the technologies for that.I am showing you some of those.What you can see on the right side is the power and energy structure in the desert.In Europe,we call the plan together with partners in Northern Africa to produce renewable energy,solar based energy in the desert of Northern Africa. And part of this will be brought to Europe and the bigger share of it will be used of Africa itself because Africa is still an energy poverty region.So these are new technologies which we can already built up in deserts and the solar energy makes a lot of sense.The left side you can see windmills. And the important message here is that the technology is here and China is a driver in this sector,together with Germany actually.We are the two leading nations when comes to wind energy.What you can see here is that the windmills are developing very very fast.The windmills which you see when you would visit Germany are still the windmills made inform the 1990s.They do have a diameter of around 40 to 50 meters only.The windmills which are building currently in Germany do have a diameter between 180 to 300 meters.It is a 6-time growth within only 20 years. And this implies that windmills today is not a niche technology.We are building up new systems.We are going offshore with this kind of windmills,and 20 or 25 big windmill can substitute one nuclear power station.It’s not a niche.It is a big technology.In Germany as you know,as Professor Pan has already mentioned,we are trying to go out of nuclear power towards 2022.So in 10 years,we close our last nuclear power plant. And in 2050,80% of our energy will be based on renewables,80%.So we will go out of fossil energy very rapidly.Currently,20% of our energy mix is based on renewables.20 years ago,it has been 0%.In 2020,it will be 40%.In 2050,it will be 80% without nuclear energy.So in Germany,we are doing a very radical energy transformation.This afternoon,Professor Pan and myself will talk about this kind of dynamics in Germany,and the big investment in China in this area in the German Embassy because we think that Germany and China should cooperate even more in these sectors because this is the industrial future.These are the technologies.The world needs in many countries these kinds of new technologies.Countries which move forward faster than others will be able to lead.This is the next big innovation way for the global economy.

This is a very important diagram,and it is a very optimistic message.What we did here is the following:we ask the question how big need the share of renewable energies in the global energy market be to see a price convergence between the production cost of fossil energy carriers and the production cost of energy based on renewable energy carriers?We estimate,before we started calculating,that we probably will need 50% to 60% of renewable into the global energy system to see a price convergence.What we found out was different.What we found is that with the share of more or less 20% of renewable energy in the share of the global energy markets,we have already seen a price convergence between the cost for energy production base on fossil fuels and base on renewables.This is a very optimistic signal.The question is from the international cooperation perspective,how can we build a coalition of nations which will be able to push the global energy market rapidly towards this point here because if you would see a price convergence between low carbon energy carriers and high carbon energy carriers.Then one of these big path dependencies will be out of order.Then this would be a tipping point towards a low carbon energy sector worldwide.Currently,we do have 6% in the global sector.We need 20%.So this is based on technological learning curves.This is based on scale effects of driving the scale dimension of technologies into new levels. And we came up with this optimistic data here.

I talked about technologies are available,and there is a picture in Germany.Because I talked about cities,and in Germany,it is not about new urban areas.In Germany,it is about reconstruction in existing urban areas because the German population and the German urban population is not growing.So we need to rebuild our cities.What you can see here is a building has been built in the 70s. And you see the building rebuilt towards energy efficiency with 90% efficiency gains regarding energy consumption.90%,we can do that.It is possible.The technologies are already available.In Asia,in the areas where urbanization trends are pushing forward,and urban population are growing,the question is that how to build an entire cities.The slide shows us the pictures of high carbon and low carbon.We need to think about how urban designs need to look like moving towards low carbon development.In Germany and I think also in China,we now are able to build zero emission buildings.In Germany,we now have the first buildings which do not consume energy.We do have the first buildings which produce more energy than they consume.This is very important because until now,40% of the energy consumption worldwide and the respected emissions are being produced by buildings.Now we are able to build 0 or even plus energy houses.So the problem houses might become a decentralized energy structure.These are fascinating technological advancements,which are emerging internationally. And China is a leader in these markets.

It’s about mobility concept.So how to reduce number of private cars and how to improve public transportation. And there are many examples around the world which can make this kind of progress.So I will skip this slide and move to the next one.

We need to talk about costs again.I said that we can finance the low carbon transformation but server messages are important here.The first message is which I already mentioned:different international studies are all showing that we need to invest around 2.5% of the global GDP to make the transformation possible.So the message is which I would like to discuss with are the followings:when you compare over a whole investments cycle,investments in a high carbon energy system with investments in our low carbon energy systems,let’s say from today to 2050 because this is a cycle of energy investment,40,50 years.Comparing low and high carbon investments over the whole cycle,the investments are very similar.But if you go low carbon,you have much higher upfront investments. And you will see interesting savings in the second part of the investment cycle.If you go high carbon,the upfront investments are lower,but you do not have this kind of savings in the second part of the investment cycle.So going low carbon is about upfront investments.This is important.We need to think how to finance upfront investments.We did a study on that.I do have it in front of me this smaller paper which I brought with me. And for those of you who are interested in,I can send it to you of course.So we reflected it on how to finance this kind of upfront investment which are necessary.But there are several other arguments which we need to have in mind which are important.The first important argument which we need to have it in mind when we talk about this 2.5% of investment into low carbon transformations,we need to know that the costs for climate damages are not involved in this kind of calculation.We all know if we run into a 3 to 4 degrees warmer world,we need to invest a lot of money to manage the damages of global warm.If we balanced the pre-investments and the damages,pre-investments are less expensive than investing in managing the damages of global warming.This is the first important argument to contextualize to pre-investment argument.The second very important argument is that currently we do have the global economy subsidies for fossil energy driven plants.In a magnitude of US$500 billion.This is around 1.0% to 1.5% of global GDP.So we are arguing that if we shift this high carbon subsidies into low carbon investments,we can already finance the important part of low carbon transformation process. And the last point is also very important.It is not only about the cost.It is about rising and increasing the investment ratio.If I say that we need to invest 2.5% of global GDP in low carbon transformation,this is about the investment ratio improvement.Your investment ratio in China is very high and very good.You can finance that anyway.As you know in Europe,we do have many deep problems currently.For us,it is more difficult.You are in much better situation now than we are from a financial perspective.I think that from a technical perspective,we in Europe,and we in Germany still have several advantages here.From the financial perspective,China has great opportunities to realize its leap.There is another important message included in this slide.It is about the structure of investment if we go towards low carbon.These are important numbers.Please have a look.Because we calculated how much do we need to invest in these several sectors I talked about to make the low carbon transformation possible.What you can see is that 20% of low carbon investment from the global perspective,needs to be done in the energy infrastructure.20%,I emphasize only 20% because I don’t know how you discussed this in China.In Europe,the focus is very much on the energy infrastructure and very little on the other components of the low carbon transformation.But this is only 20%because then 50% of the low carbon investments are about investments in buildings,in transport and mobility.This is the urban sector.50% of the investment needs to be done here.15% are needed in low carbon research and development activities.So innovation,investing in innovation because we need to improve technologies. And 15% need to be done in land use and industrial sectors.So this is the investment mix needed from a global perspective when we move towards low carbon.Energy is a part of the system of the energy infrastructure,but the energy efficiency part in buildings,transport,mobility and industrial sectors is much more important than the actual energy infrastructure.This is very important to have in mind.

So I’m moving to the end,into the last part of my lecture.I would like to visualize a bit how we conceptualize the transformation towards a global low carbon economy. And this curve here,this diagram,is how we conceptualize the low carbon transformation.You can see here our old growth pattern,which is high carbon,high resource-intensive. And we are probably globally here and we need to climb this curve up.It is not a linear development.We need transformation of change,great transformation.We need to mobilize efforts to move this curve up,to move towards a low carbon society at the end of the day.We calculated this is a period of 30 to 40 years,3 to 4 decades.We are currently probably on this yellow path,the rebound path.In all of our societies,in China,in India,and the U.S,in Europe,we are improve currently energy efficiency,carbon efficiency,resource efficiency,but we are always compensating all our societies currently.We are all compensating the efficiency rates by growth. And this implies what rebound is about.So,in relative terms,we have energy efficiency gains;in absolute terms,the emissions are still rising.What we need to organize is to move this curve up. And driving the transformation,this is about scale because we need to move from low carbon pilots to low carbon systems.It is about acceleration of the low carbon process.It is about a long-term perspective.I already talked about vision.We need long-term plans to make this transformation possible.It cannot be step by step without any vision about the future. And we need to have in mind not only sector reforms,but system reforms.When we focus on cities,it is not only about buildings;it is not only about transport.It is not only how we organize our cities regarding work and our private living.It is the whole system of urban areas.How to make those sustainable.System reforms are absolutely necessary.

I will tell you why I am optimistic and why I think that we can make this. And we can drive this curve up. And I do so comparing the situation 20 years ago,first Rio conference in 1992 on sustainable development with the current situation.To demonstrate to you that we are currently in a situation in which we can accelerate the low carbon development path.So this is the situation in 1992 Rio conference.I would explain what it is about is not self-evident.It is the real conference in 1992.So I will explain to you what I have in mind when I look at this curve.So in 1992 in Rio,there was a consensus when you read the Rio Agenda 21between our political leaders worldwide that the old business as usual development and growth pattern is not sustainable.There was a consensus there.Leaders signed that from around the world.But at the same time,the high carbon growth patterns,the high carbon societies actually moved forward.The high carbon societies are complex systems.It is about industries;it is about markets and users preference;it is about how science organized or policies are organized;it is about culture and it is about technologies.It is a integrate system.So political leaders signed in 1992 that this growth pattern cannot move forward any longer.We need to change.But in reality,things moved forward.In reality,in 1992,the green development thinkers,and the green development political leaders,and the green development managers and firms have been pioneers of green development.The green discourse and sustainable discourse 20 years ago was minority discourse.It was not the discourse which really drove private investment,which really drove political decisions at the level of our governments.The old system for the first year after 1992 moved forward.This was the situation in 1992.The discourse about green and sustainable development was a minority discourse.The situation today is different. And I would like to explain to you why I am optimistic.If you would like to move from a situation which we had in 1992 when political decision-makers argued in Rio that we do have a problem there.We need to move toward a sustainable growth pattern.To transformation is not as easy because you,for a transformation,you need to organize a new model.You need to gain importance,and you need to grow the low carbon investment towards a dominant growth pattern.We have been far away from these transformations only 20 years ago. And the current situation,we are much better off,and I would explain the current situation with this graph here.You see,the curve from high carbon growth pattern to the low carbon society,we need to climb this curve to move towards a low carbon society. And I do have here 5 major arenas where the global transformation towards low carbon needs to take place.5 major arenas.I will I go through these 5 major arenas in a second.Before I do so,I will start with the beginning of the curve and the end of the curve to explain to you why the situation is changing towards a low carbon transformation already.This is the situation in 1992.We had a legitimacy problem with the old development model because in 1992 people argued,leaders argued in Rio that we cannot move forward high efficiency oriented and high carbon growth based.We need to change that.But in 1992 there was no concept at all how to solve the problem.When you read the Agenda 21,which has been signed in Rio.It is a 250 pages document.If you get a 250 pages document on an international conference,this implies that people have not understood how to solve the problem.Many many problems abd many many issues there,but no concept how to manage the sustainability crisis.We are now in a much better situation.I think we do have a vision,and we do have concepts how to solve the problem.Our study tries to contribute to this kind of concepts.Professor Pan and his team,you are contributing to a discussion about how a low carbon economy can look like.We know much more about how to invest.We know much more about how to do it.We know much more about technologies needed.So we have been in the situation 20 years ago and what we saw we cannot go further business as usual but we know how to solve the problem.Now we have concepts around,this is very important.So let me move through these 5 areas and arenas where low carbon transformation needs to take place.The first arena is the arena of actors and what we try to demonstrate in our study is that we now see in many economies.This is real for China,this is real for Europe;this is real for many other countries.We can see that in numbers of actors which are moving towards sustainable development and low carbon development is rising and growing exponentially.Low carbon firms,low carbon cities,governments which focus on low carbon private and public investment infrastructures.The 12th fifth-year-plan in Chinese government is focusing strongly on green development and on low carbon development.These are all very important dynamics.The number of actors is about power,I said it’s about politics.The number of actors investing in these areas is much bigger now than only a few years ago.I can tell you that in Germany what is remarkable is following observation.We have been presenting our study here on the transformation towards a global low carbon economy.In all the 20 biggest companies of the German industry,in all of them,they invited us.10 years ago none of these companies would have invite us to give a discourse on this kind of transformation. And this implies that companies are understanding that the growth dynamics is already changing,and they need to drive the curve instead of shying away.So the number of actors is growing dynamically.Green innovations here on the right side,I already argued that I am very optimistic in terms of technology towards low carbon.So I do not need to elaboraste more on that.Shifting norms and values are heuristics.We do have many actors and institutions now which move forward new rouse concepts,development concepts and growth concepts.Tomorrow I will meet China Council International Cooperation Environment and Development.I am working in this advisory body to your government for 5 years already now. And in this contact,we have been worked about what might an ecological civilization be about;how might low carbon development in China look like.So in China,new development is already emerging and becoming stronger.The OECD,the organization which represents all the industrialize nations,has been developed a concept about wellbeing beyond fuel growth concepts.This is different from the old development minds.I am coming back from Washington last week talking about this kind of issue also.The world is now developing green,growth and development concepts.So there is a big shift in terms of new development which are becoming stronger in many countries.Policy regimes.In our study we compare policy regimes which drive our economies in 1992 with policy regime in the same countries in 2010. And we see is that policy regimes are shifting step by step towards sustainability oriented policy regimes.Not as fast as we would like to see it,not accelerating on a path which we would like to observe,but the policy regimes are shifting internationally. And we know how to do this.20 years ago,we did not know how to describe sustainability,macroeconomic framework for sustainable development,but now we can do that.

The last one here is the international context.Actually this is the weakest part of the whole change.We are making progress in many countries in this for other areas which I already mentioned.In international cooperation,we are not strong enough.The climate negotiations are too slow to really achieve the 2 degrees Cels target.We are making much more progress on national levels as I demonstrated here.What I would like to educate for,and this is the last part of my presentation,is building up a club low carbon pioneers.So countries which move forward toward low carbon direction,we should cooperate in a much more elaborate way compared with the current situation.I could image that China,Germany and Europe,and parts of the U S cooperate another countries,cooperate in important low carbon eras to move forward more rapidly.We suggested to our government to discuss with the Chinese government to make a joint investment in the training,academic training of the next generation of low carbon architects,of low carbon engineers,of low carbon economists,of low carbon transportation experts large scale together.Young people study in China then in Germany. And the German study in our universities and then here to seek that these two countries are moving into a different direction to organize a tipping point in the global transformation process.So international cooperation needs and can be improved.

I am coming to my last slide.When we have these different arenas in mind.Arenas of change towards a low carbon economy,we do have 3 important mechanisms which drive the whole process towards low carbon. And I would like to mention at the end of the lecture these big,important mechanisms.The first important mechanism is about co-evolution.Co-evolution means that this is not thing that you can governance.This is not something which you can steal.When you do have low carbon dynamics in policy arenas in terms of norms.In the arena of innovation,these different arenas are interacting and mutually reinforcing themselves.So if you get big innovations in technological arena,it is not easy to make policy reforms.Its norms and values are shifting.Policy reforms are easier.The number of actor is growing.So mutually reinforcing dynamics because we do have certain low carbon trends in many of these arenas.This is about co-evolution.The second mechanism is about transformational policies.Transformational policies are policies which do not only aim at organizing any efficiency gain,green efficiency gain.It’s about organizing transformational shifts which help us to climb this curve up.This is what the China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development which has its annual meeting during the next 3 days and I would participate there.This is what we are focusing on.What are transformational policies about?Not only energy efficiency oriented policies,but transformational policies. And we do have it here in our report also recorded the transformational policies we considered.

The last mechanism to make this transformation possible,is based on our reflection social contract on sustainability.We borrow this term of social contract from important European thinkers like Rousseau,Kant,and Hume.In their time,about 250 years ago more or less,they reflected on the transformation towards an industrial society,and towards the era of enlightenment of human rights,personal rights,citizen rights. And they argues in their work that this kind of shift in societies is only possible when a social contract in a society emerges between political actors,between society,between the private sector.So we borrowed from them,the idea that social contract is needed.Social contract obviously has something to do with the vision I spoke beforehand.The social contract for sustainability.We argued in our study that the abolishment of slavery for example,and the abolishment of child labor has been based on this kind of social contracts.This means that the transformation towards low carbon is not only something which we can drive by policies,instruments and incentives.It goes beyond that.For this transformations,we need base these transformational policies.We actually also need a social contract for sustainability.I think that in Chinese reflections on ecological civilization and how to balance the development and interests of human beings with its necessities of stabilizing the earth’s is something move to this direction.These are the 3 basic mechanisms which drive the processes towards low carbon transformation.

So ladies and gentlemen,thank you very much for your patience.It has been a long lecture,90 minutes. And I hope that you have found some of the ideas interesting enough to discuss about.Thank you!

Pan:Thank you very much,Dirk.It is very informative.Well,Professor Messner has given us a highly valuable lecture with regards to the global transformation towards a low carbon economy with planetary boundary.Everybody understands that we have technologies but so far it is beyond our imagination that we could be able to enlarge the boundary of our planet earth. And we have the technologies to improve our welfare but we are cornered by these planetary boundaries.In the meantime,professor Messner has emphasized that we do have the drivers to co-evolve the path toward a low carbon economy. And in the end,we have to go 0 carbon economy.I think it is absolutely the truth as Professor suggested.Before the industrial revolution,there was 0 carbon emission at all.All the energy was from natural resources and renewable. And probably 100 years later,when all the fossil fuels will be replaced,we would have low carbon emissions at last.So this is actually a must and professor has suggested that we have the opportunities and we have the challenges. And the country like Germany and China are making efforts and we have made enormous progress.In recent years,at the group level,there is a lack of international cooperation spirit.But this does not matter as soon as we move forward,we will have the solutions.

Now I think after 90 minutes,this very short lecture in terms of the information and the knowledge that you know that it contains. And I believe that we enjoyed a lot,and we learnt a lot.But still we would like to learn more and we would like to have some,you know,questions to discuss with the professor.So it is open in case anybody would have any questions or any observations or any comments.I believe that professor would be happy to discuss with you. And in case you have some,you know,difficulties in using the English language,of course,it is understandable since you know English is not our mother tongue. And we can use Chinese and I can help you to pass the message on to professor for the discussion.So don’t worry.If you can use English,that is perfect.If you use Chinese,there will be no problem as well.So the floor is open.Anybody if you have any question.Yes,please.

Student:First,thank you very much professor.Thank you very much for your presentation.I have a question.You mentioned that the carbon budget for the future greenhouse for the earth is 750 Gtons. And I have done some work for the carbon budget proposal under the advice of professor Pan. And during my calculation that this figure is too tight for reality we think.You know some natural scientists calculate this may be 1000 Gtons or higher,1400 Gtons. And you know without fundamental technology or policy in the next one or two decades,I think 750 Gton is impossible.So what is your opinion about this and what is your opinion about the carbon budget proposal for the future low carbon transformation?This is my question.Thank you.

Dirk Messner:First of all thank you very much for your question.I know that professor Pan and his team that you are also working on this budget idea. And we both actually represented our two concepts in Copenhagen two or three years ago already for international audience or for the international discussions.Our point this time was that to make the climate negotiations feasible and to push the climate negotiation progress forward.We need to translate our 2 degree Cels target into something which is more tangible.The end of the day,the tangible stuff is about the greenhouse gas emissions.We need to reduce the greenhouse gas emission and we need to know how big the budget actually is. And this is what our efforts being about.

And the question how to share the budget.This is a justice question.The justice question is very important.So now regarding the how many Gtons are available,the data from the nature scientists which we are calculating with and demonstrating that 750 Gtons are compatible with 2 degree target for the next four decades with the probability to reach the 2 degree target by 67%.If you reduce the probability to 50%,we can do that of course,it is a higher risk game.If you do that,we are ending up with around 1200 Gtons.It still is a challenge to make transformation.It is easier but you do have a higher risk.Higher risk means afterward warming 3 degree Cels.Our investments here inChina and globally will have higher risk of course.So we need to balance that.It’s about risk.It is about probabilities.It is about how fast we think that we can make the transformation.What is real anyway is for the second half of the century,the greenhouse gas budget will be very very small. And in your calculation,in our calculations,we talk about 200 or 300 Gtons for the second half of the century.So it needs to bring our emissions down during next 4-5decades on a very radical path.Our reflections are demonstrating that technically. And base on what we know now,we can do that. And froma financial perspective,it is possible. And I would add that countries which move forward now is pioneers of this process,do also accumulate economic advantagesin this process.

Pan:OK Thank you.I think that this is on the safe side.A tighter budget would ensure the 2 degree target and if we do not have a tighter budget,that would mean that we run a very high risk.So the second question.

Student:Thank you for the lecture.I wonder what is your perspective on the growth in your great transformation because some say that green growth is an illusion. And we need a justice de-growth in over developed countries and set the chance for the developing world.So I wonder.It may be a path dependence but it seems that to maintaining growth is to ensure everything else.So I wonder what is your perspective in this growth and dynamics in your great transformation?

Dirk Messner:Thank you very much for this question and it’s a very important thing. And a very difficult one to answer.Two weeks ago,we had a conference in Germany with Dennis Meadows.I do not know whether you know his name.Dennis Meadows was the author of The Limits to Growth.He is a 70 years old gentleman and 40 years ago,in 1972 he wrote his seminar work on the Limits to Growth. He was actually the first scientist who really focused on this kind of question,who said that imaging a world with a growing population becoming richer can be growth forever. And his answer is I think it is not possible.My answer is a bit more differente.I would argue that we still do have 2 billion people worldwide living with less than 2 dollars a day.So growth for them,wealth creation is a must.In the society,we do have a per capita income for a year around 1500 to 3,4000 dollars only organized by regional distribution that we do not get sufficient situation for people.So growth in poor countries is still absolutely necessary.But what we need to do is we need to control this growth from resource use and from the emission of carbon.This is the challenge which we are confronted with.We reflect on how this is possible.I will argue that in our industrial societies,the situation is different.In our societies,we need much less growthto have a level of development which is appropriate for human beings.You might know the income per capita in Germany is around 35000 euro per capita per year.People are not becoming wealthier and not becoming more lucky gaining 2 or 3000 dollars a month.So in countries in a high level of per capita,the growth issue is different from situations in poor countries.But the important challenge is the low carbon.We do have many sectors where do not consume materials. And this is where we meet to share our growth patterns.

Pan:This is also a matter of measurement.If we use GDP or the monetary measurement,then you know here income is actually an indicator.But this does not mean that more money would mean more happiness,and would mean a higher level of welfare.Take one example,if the life style is not very healthy,you eat too much,you drink too much and do not do that you know physical excises and then you have to eat a lot of medicine. And you eat a lot of medicine that generates a big mount of GDP.In the end,this is waste of resources.So life style is very important because what we need is the quality of living not the absolute physical wealth.We can have numerous wealth like renounce everywhere but in the end you do not enjoy your life,you do not have a very healthy and very quality style of living.So that is more important happiness because you know the welfare is not indicated by the amount of money you earned and the amount of wealth you would have.So who is the next?Yes,Please.

Student:Thank you for your wonderful presentation.My question is the clean development mechanism adds a wonderful way to solve the carbon trade between developing and developed countries.But there are some different voices on this.My question is how you comment on this CDM system?Thank you.

Dirk Messner:From my perspective,the mechanism is important because the major idea is that carbon companies from the US,from Germany invest low carbon technologies in developing countries reducing the emissions.We can translate this into the CDM mechanism and translate into the transfer of technologies and financial resources.If you look at the volume investments which are based on CDM mechanism,the volume is very small compared with upfront investments.So the CDM is important but it is not the driver of this kind of global transformation.Private investments,and big investments from big development banks are much more important.CDM is a small element in the big story.

Pan:I think you are certainly right.You know CDM is a mechanism to reduce the cost of emission reduction in the developed countries and help the developing countries for low carbon development.So this does have some impacts very positive but in the longer round,the amount of resources you know can be limited.So that is why we need to scale up level of financial investment.That is why professor suggested that the private sector involvement.Of course the CDM is involved by the private sector but the signal is very important that you know the CDM program promotes the market development in China,etc.in the past several years,the renewable energy installations rocketed.So the market signal is very important that CDM has it impacts.So who is next?

Student:Thank you very much for your excellent performance.Nowadays the low carbon economy is very hot today.I have a question what is your opinion of the China low carbon industry and which factor will play the most important role in the next decade?Can you tell us briefly?Thank you.

Pan:This is a very big question.

Dirk Messner:That is a very big question.We will try to answer in on the annual conference.I will focus on three very important dynamics which I would give priority to you.First is that China is one of the countries,I mean the country where the urbanization trends with combined the new middle class.This is the strongest worldwide.So in China,it is so important whether this country is making progress toward the creation of building the low carbon cities. And China is pioneer in this sector.So this is one of the very important arenas.Urbanizations,low carbon cities,low carbon urbanization.The second big area is the energy field because as Professor Pan told us at the very beginning energy consumption in China is still growing recently.So making and transforming the energy toward a low carbon in China is absolutely relevant.China is doing the biggest,in terms of volume,the biggest in low carbon energy arena.Germany is the second biggest investor in this field.So energy is absolutely important.The current figures are showing that China is make huge progress in energy efficiency gains but less progress in carbon efficiency gains.Its energy is still based by large proportion on fossil fuels.So moving towards to renewable energy is very very important.My last point is that the Chinese investment ratio is very high,40% from your GDP moves toward investment.Our investment ratio in Germany is around 23%.This implies that the dynamic with which you can re-structure your economic design much faster than most countries in the world.You can make this kind of transformation faster.So the question is whether the investments package over all moves step by step toward low carbon.This is the third important element I would have to say.

Pan:Low carbon transformation is certainly not cost free.But on the other hand we have to change our mentality.It is not,in the end an opportunity.These investments will bring energy security,would bring job positions,and would create a lot of job positions. And this will become the real driver for a growth of economy and also for income of the employees.In the interest of time,we may have a final one or two questions.

Student:Thank you Professor.In your lecture,you mention the international consensus of 2 degree Cels.So I wonder that would you please tell us some possible consequences if the earth system reaches the tipping point of 2 degree Cels?You know that there are positive consequences as well as negative consequences.So would please tell us some details for the possible consequences?Thank you.

Pan:OK.There is one more.We can take one more if there is any.So that is the last question.

Dirk Messner:Thank you very much for all your questions.I would argue in the following way.I would argue that actually we do have the chance to decide between three different types of great transformations.We are moving toward great transformation anyway.I have already talked about one great transformation toward low carbon.Low carbon is trying to avoid these risks of changing irrespectively.There is a second dynamic toward global transformation if you want a 3 or 4 degree.But most natural scientists are demonstrating to us that the risks which are related to 3 or 4 degree world are high in terms of access to water,in terms of access to soil,in terms of risk to weather and even bigger tipping points.Because imaginable the monsoon might collapse by the end of the century.We do not know what coming next.We cannot imagine a world where monsoon is not working.So the risks are very very high.This is the second possibility.We move toward global warming and we need to adopt to changes of the earth system.This is a big shift and this has to do with the great transformation also.There is a third,option which has been discussed currently.I have been talking about these issues in the US during the last month.I gave similar lectures in different universities,in Washington DC to the think tanks which are around there. And one of the biggest discussions there is the third.It is about geo-engineering.Gene engineering is about if the world is becoming warmer,what tries to invent to cool it down artificially.The cooling down artificial.Costs,unknown,risks,unknown. And people argue that this transformation might be too difficult,too challenging and then they go for geo-engineering.I will try to avoid the geo- engineering path because still it is possible to make the transformation towards low carbon.We know the design.We know the technologies. We know the policies.Why should we go to geo- engineering which implies the re-configuration of the earth system artificially on a global scale?I would like to avoid this.I mean we do have many problems to get a global climate regime in place.It is so difficult to gather 190 countries to get a climate regime.If we go to global geo-engineering,there are many issues which have to be discussed globally.If we put chemicals into the ocean for example,to improve the capacity of the ocean to observe greenhouse gases,who is being allowed to do so?And how much chemicals we should put into the oceans?Or we are going to put chemicals into the atmosphere to bring coolness into the atmosphere,who decide who can do that?And how much of this is possible and responsible?So we would need for a geo-engineering international rules also.If we do not have it,it will result international conflict obviously.So the geo-engineering path,from my perspective is what we should to avoid.I would argue for this idea,the great transformation. And the risks to our second transformation,a warmer world,are very very high.When you look at the tipping points,those are not small accidents in the earth system.These are big accidents to global earth system. And we do not know how to fix that.We do not know what the earth system will look like afterwards.Talking about the Amazon,with different institutes worldwide,we did studies on the Amazon. And the result demonstrated that with 3.5 to 4 degrees increased the possibility of collapse of the Amazon forest is high.What we cannot do,what we cannot model is to show how the water system and the soil system for Latin America as a whole will look like afterwards.We might run into serious food trouble in the whole region.So I would like to avoid the other paths.We all know the sustainability transformation. And let us go for that.

Pan:Great.Human being are very creative and innovative and sometimes,this creativity might go to the wrong end.Nuclear must be one example.Of course it does bring us some benefits but in the end,we are not sure what the final result would be.So this is one. And professor mentioned geo-engineering.Quite few scientists advocate this approach and that means we interfere with the natural system,and we artificially reverse the trend of nature circulation. And he gave one example.That is,put chemicals into the ocean that carbon dioxide can be absorbed by the ocean. And also some scientists suggest that we may send planes to atmosphere to spray something called aerosols to reduce solar radiation reaching the earth.The cost will not be that huge but the dangers,the risks are really unknown. And there is one thing that can be very clear that we need to minimize the human intervention with the natural system. And this is also a sort of mentality,a sort of cultural,or civilizational view shift because in the Party’s document it also as Professor mentioned the ecological civilization.This is in contrast to the industrial civilization.You know under the industrial civilization,the value that is very simple.Human beings are very powerful.We can conquer the nature. And you know the value is very simple.That is profit maximization. And then under ecological civilization,this is something different.The ethic value is something very different.We respect for nature.We work together with the nature.We must be in harmony with nature. And the value is not for profit maximization.Instead,for the quality of living.What we pursue is quality of living instead of paper money.For everybody,life is limited.There is nothing called long long life.If we look at life expectancy,the Japanese is the highest in the world.Some is 83 years old. And then very few people could live longer than one hundred years.So the quality of living is the most important for everybody,for our next generations.So we need to have paradigm shift,or shift of civilizational views.Otherwise,the technologies will not help us in qualities of living.Technologies are very important.But more importantly is that we have civilizational views.

Well,I think I enjoyed and learnt a lot from professor’s very stimulating,very informative lecture. And also the interactive discussions seem to be very productive as well. And I would like to inform you that Professor’s institute is very well-known think tank in the world. And he does invite applications for post doctorate researchers in his institute and also he works with universities. And in these universities,opportunities for exchanges,for some joint researches as well.It is a small world.You know geographically China and Germany are somewhere depart.But under modern transport for us and also internet,the world is not that huge.We can work together.So I encourage you to get in touch with professor.I do believe the Graduate School would have the information for further communication.I would invite the audience,everybody,to join me to thank professor for his excellent lecture.Thanks a lot.

Thank you for your participation.

(语音整理:胡纯、齐雨婷、梁洪基 初稿整理:李阳)
